Rare Parings

May 3rd, 2008

Rare Fandom Pairings


May 3rd, 2008

Poisonous Reflections [PG-13, Hekatah/Dorothea]

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Title: Poisonous Reflections
Fandom: Black Jewels Trilogy
Characters/Parings: Hekatah/Dorothea
Prompt: 096-Writer's Choice for [info]100_women.
Word Count: 842
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of sex, abuse, and violence.
Summary: In Dorothea, Hekatah, had found a well of ambition; a body to mold in her image. In Hekatah, Dorothea only saw her downfall.
Disclaimer: None of these character belong to me, they belong to Anne Bishop and Roc Fantasy. I'm just borrowing them for awhile.
Author's Note: I would have liked to make this a bit longer, but for now this is where this story stands. I may make a longer version of my take on how Hekatah and Dorothea team up and try to rule over all the realms.
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