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i didn't know where to put this but i love this quote :\ [04 Dec 2010|09:56pm]

She locked away a secret, deep inside herself, something she once knew to be true... but chose to forget.
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[13 Nov 2010|11:30am]

last chance to make submissions to my mix!
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[31 Aug 2010|09:32am]

why am I awake o.o
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michael cera thinks this will earn me friends...lets see if he's right! [11 Aug 2010|11:51pm]


don't forget to hit up your local theater this friday and check out this lovely piece of artwork!
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phone lines close at 12 [11 Aug 2010|10:11pm]

hey guys, vote for me on sytycd. it's free to call!. THANKS.

edit: since i should be fair let me give you youtubes and kent and lauren's number too (otherwise you'd have us all posting here asking you to vote for us. kent: 1-888-623-7801, lauren: 1-888-623-7802. OR ME: 1-888-623-7803.
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[02 May 2010|08:38pm]

if you want to play epicmafia tonight just join the chatroom "epicmafia" we'll teach you how to play if you don't know how.
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Now, we all know the game Survivor, right? Ever think of wanting to do it yourself? In an effort to kill time, and have a little fun, we've proposed the idea of starting a night session of Survivor: Kudz version. The idea of it is more simple than it sounds. In fact it's fairly easy and a lot of fun. If you like playing epic mafia then you'll probably like this. All you have to do to join and participate is comment this post and know that kudz survivor will work this way:

- The game will take place this Thursday at 10:00pm EST and sign up will end at 9:45pm EST the day of the game. We will allow a fifteen minute grace period after ten for you to show up, but will start without you if you are not there by 10:15.
- The survivor game will take place in a chat room. Rules and such on challenges within each round will be explained by the host once in the chatroom. See below for an example of a challenge
- Every "day/round" there will be one immunity challenge. Whoever wins that immunity challenge cannot be voted out at the end of the round. One person is voted out of each round until only two people are left.
- Voted out players may leave the chatroom, or stay in to spectate the rest of the game. If you must leave, give your preference of winner vote to the host.
- At the end of the survivor rounds, the last two standing get jury vote on who is the winner.
- The winner is named the first kudz survivor!
- Please note: the survivor games are not quick but take about an hour or vary from the amount of people playing.
Important Terms + Challenge Example+ Sign Up  )
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[19 Mar 2010|01:37am]

come play apples to apples
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who wants an im tonight? [15 Mar 2010|06:15pm]

i've come to realize that you can do a person a lot of good by just giving them a simple compliment. so here's what i want you to do: comment this post with someone's name. a friend, a stranger, a random person you see on the friend's page.. whatever. then other people can comment with compliments for that person. it can be as shallow, complex, genuine, or vague as you'd like so long as it's positive.

i think it's just a nice little pick-me-up that everyone can use because monday's are pretty goddamn awful, don't you think?

happy complimenting! i'm just gonna comment with the first few names i see on the friends page but feel free to add whoever you'd like.
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[13 Mar 2010|09:00pm]


how is your saturday night
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[12 Mar 2010|08:58am]
This community is so big it's a bit overwhelming for me, I'm afraid. I know many of my co-stars are here...where are all of you?
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[09 Mar 2010|10:47am]
Those of you who hang around quite a bit on mobile - okay to IM you? Yes, no? Realistically I know people must sign on by phone because they still want to talk, but I always feel as if I shouldn't. I aim to be much more social.
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[03 Mar 2010|10:15am]

it's about that time again. let's play a hard hitting game of would you rather? post a would you rather and let the decision making begin!

for example would you rather have horrible body odor or horrible breath?
13 comments|post comment

i woke up with one too many phone calls to return this morning. [02 Mar 2010|10:54am]

[ mood | [info]aylo ]

congrats, taylor!!
and all others nominated, of course! my fingers are crossed for you.
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yes i'm using this post to say i have a new sn too "NICKAYA MINAJ" [18 Feb 2010|11:59pm]

[ music | love you, mate ]

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enriqueigjesias: use your guido icon [09 Feb 2010|07:00pm]


someday i'm gonna make her my wife
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i had to [07 Feb 2010|08:59pm]

since no one has said this yet: HELL YES SAINTS!
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super awesome fun time praise post [15 Nov 2009|05:17pm]

well i hope you guys don't mind it but i really wanted to get a praise post going for the evening. mondays suck, so why not send the weekend out with a bang by spreading a little love? tell somebody how much you like their personality, their latest movie, that coat they wore last tuesday - or leave a youtube that reminds you of them, make them a graphic, GO INSANE. keep it positive and let's make sure everybody gets a little something to let them know how awesome they are. negative comments get the axe. strike up some good conversations, folks; let's make this a good one.

if i left out a name: i am a moron, forgive me. feel free to add it in. adios!
374 comments|post comment

i don't understand how this showed up on the dropdown.. [07 Oct 2009|08:39pm]

19 comments|post comment

Oh yea, You bet I DLed the app asap [02 Sep 2009|05:27am]

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