A Scandinavian Folklore Community
We Don't Thump The Eddas We Read Them

User: [info]valkyrieofodin
Date: 2008-06-15 17:41
Subject: I Am Writing Articles About Various Deities For Various Purposes
Security: Public
What I'm Feelingdisappointed in myself disappointed in myself
Tags:daily practice, heiti, kennings, prose edda

And in the process I have been getting more familiar with the kennings section of the Prose Edda. I think that it is amazing how we rarely use kennings for the varied deities in our daily observances unless we are reminded of them(except on special occasions). I originally started to do this regularly when I started a process of blotting the "Deity of the Day" and fell out of practice rapidly. I am somewhat ashamed at how quickly my resolve failed. This is something I want to re-institute as rapidly as possible.

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my journal
July 2008