A Scandinavian Folklore Community - May 21st, 2008
We Don't Thump The Eddas We Read Them

User: [info]rainbowbridge (posted by [info]valkyrieofodin)
Date: 2008-05-21 07:38
Subject: Hail The Hall
Security: Public
What I'm Feelinggeeky geeky
Tags:lore, references, requirements, rules, upg, welcome

Welcome to those who will become members of this community.

When I tried this experiment on live journal, this community pretty much turned into a creative writing community. Know that I have no problem with people posting modern day poetry to honor the Gods, wights,alvs,ancestors or Jotunar. I even think it's great that people generate modern day myths based on lore. But, here's the thing, this community is being founded to discuss lore, and I would like to see that happen in some way shape or form. So, if you join please, please keep in mind that we are going to try and discuss the Eddas, the sagas and those things which consist of the lore of the Scandinavian,Germanic and Anglo-Saxon peoples. Also, there is to be no bashing of people based on their ethnicity or for any other reason on this community, this is a zero tolerance policy. You bash you go. End of story.Thank you for playing. If folks think that because I am talking so much about Lore that UPG is not being honored here look again at the opening statement and see that personal work is welcome, and with personal work comes,at least in my opinion, a degree of UPG. UPG is not to be shunned in this community, but please folks try and keep it somewhat within a fair amount of bounds and don't do all of your work based simply on UPG, I would like to see some kind of references at some point to lore on this community.
Thank you again.

In Troth,

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July 2008