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railways: the comings and goings

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hogndaaz / customs [23 May 2011|11:04am]

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central tim zone, but i rarely get on so customs are best. [19 May 2011|09:28pm]
i am pretty obsessed with community, what's one show you wish played year round?
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jufighters [19 May 2011|02:04am]

this is so late, ugh. but hey i'm julian and i'm randomly up at 2am for no reason at all. how has your night been, or day whenever you see this?
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madhatterreid or customs [18 May 2011|01:29am]

Hey all, I'm Mad, and I own Art Addicted here in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I'm bad at introductions: at least written ones-and I would much prefer to meet you all face to face. So, post your favorite picture of yourself! Or of your favorite things! That'll help me get to know you all better. I'll post mine behind a cut.

my favorite picture of myself )
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lorettazepam & customs [17 May 2011|11:26pm]
what's the last movie you saw and do you recommend it?
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hews in the sky/ customs cuz aim is ballz [17 May 2011|11:12pm]


I'm Matthew Salvador. I just finished watching CLOSER. Got me thinking: what are your secrets? What are you too scared to tell someone, others, or the people you love most? What've you been wanting to confess? Anon enabled and encouraged. Also, leave me your screenname if you want me to whoop your candy ass in scrabble/shoot you an IM tomorrow night.
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docluessow [16 May 2011|04:55pm]

I’ve spent the majority of my day cleaning my mother’s ranch house in Long Island. Now I'm feeling quite nostalgic and warm. Some of my fondest memories took pace there. What are some of your fondest childhood memories?
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