Art of Myrafur and Red_Rahl's Journal
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Saturday, May 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    HD Art Post: "Give Me A Cheer!" (NC-17, NWS!!!)
    Normally, anything this high in rating would be f-locked to the [info]rahly_furverted community. However, because the picture was done in honor of all the participants (whether it be writers, artists, readers/watchers) of the 2008 [info]hd_worldcup, I'm going to leave it unlocked until after the Worldcup has been concluded. If you're under 18, you really shouldn't be looking! *stern look*

    Dedicated to: All the [info]hd_worldcup participants (from the mods and the teams to the readers/viewers!)
    Special dedication to: [info]gossymer, for being so damn awesome with reviewing all of the fic entries! *applauds wildly*

    Title: Give Me A Cheer!
    Artist: [info]red_rahl
    Rating: NC-17 (NWS!!!)
    Character/Pairing: H/D
    Warnings: Crossing dressing, sex in public places, bite marks, hand prints in inappropriate (or appropriate) places, and pink pom poms.
    Disclaimer: This art is based on characters and situations and owned by JK Rowling and various publishers. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
    Age Disclaimer: The boys are over the age of 18 in this picture! I'm not sure where they got the school uniforms...
    Materials Used: Pencil for the sketch, Photoshop CS2 and tablet for the inking and coloring.
    Special Thanks to: Capt. [info]nqdonne, the ever wonderful [info]khateh, the always fantastic [info]rurounihime, and my dear, dear [info]myrafur for the encouragement! Thank you, Ladies!
    Notes: The idea for this picture came about because I wanted to have the boys do some cheering on of the [info]hd_worldcup. It devolved from there.
    - I'm not sure how the boys ended up in this situation. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated! XD

    Give me a H! Give me a D! )

    And now a cheer! *done to the song of "Mickey", by Toni Basil*

    Harry, Draco, you're so fine!
    You're so fine you blow my mind!
    Hey Harry! Hey Draco!

    *is embarrassed* I never said it was all that good of a cheer!

    Ahem. Er...feel free to offer up your own cheering chants for the boys and for [info]hd_worldcup!!! Definitely check the art out! *winks and gives an extra loud cheer for Team Epilogue*

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