Friday, March 28th, 2014

Who: Meaghan McCormack and Barry Ryan
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: Quality Quidditch Supplies
What: Looking for a beginner’s broom | A New Beginning (Plot Slot Prompt)
Warning/Status: In Progress | Closed

Barry was sure that a broom would make a good birthday present for his daughter. Besides, he had good company as well. )
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Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Meaghan McCormack - Loss )
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Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

[Ward: Portree Players]
You all know I'm not really one for impassioned speeches, but I wanted to make special mention of how well you all performed at practice today.  Playing in the wind and rain always offers its own sort of challenges, and you met them head on.  I'm very proud!

Are we all feeling ready for the first of March?

I managed to procure two tickets to the Appleby/Wigtown match on Friday.  Would anyone like to come along with me?  Watching a match is always more fun with a friend!
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Saturday, February 15th, 2014

Who: Gwenog Jones and Meaghan McCormack.
What: Prompt challenge, “Away” - Gwenog attaches herself to Meaghan at a party and tries to make small-talk.
Where: The annual Season Opening Gala.
When: February 1999, evening.
Rating: Gwenog-languaged, but low otherwise.
Status: Narrative, Complete.

Are you here with anyone? Or flying solo like me? )
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Friday, February 14th, 2014

Who: Everyone!
What: Quidditch launch event
Dress code: Evening/dress robes
Where: At a hotel in Diagon Alley then a secret location!
When: Friday, February 14th.
Rating: TBA.
Status: IC/OOC, in progress.

It was a cold but beautiful night )
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Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Who: Nonie MacFarlan & Meaghan McCormack
What: Nonie happened across a pair of cursed goggles
Where: Portree Pitch
When: Afternoon of the 12th
Why: Why not?!
Rating: Tame
Status: Incomplete, Closed

The day had started out like any other practice. Nonie had gone through her pre-practice workout and showered, leaving enough time for a good cup of tea before dressing in her practice robes. She had a few minutes to herself that she always relished, and somewhat compulsively tended to sort through the items in her locker. Somehow, it had just occurred to her that, with their newest addition in Roger Davies, she was the longest running chaser on the Prides, although she was certainly not the most experienced. Still, the thought felt weird to her. Seniority in any fashion was not something she had ever expected to experience, especially given her previous tendency to bail on contracts. No, here she was, Nonie MacFarlan, settling in to her team.

She had dealt with the strange feelings by splurging on all new gear. Nothing made her really feel alive the way shopping did, and Nonie took a lot of pride in the times that she allowed herself to spend money on herself. Ever since she'd rejected her father's financial help, she'd been overly careful with her funds. But today, as she was sorting through her locker, she had a number of new toys to play with: goggles, gloves, even a new pair of shoes.

Soon, it was time to head out to the pitch. Nonie grabbed the new items, her broom, and sprinted towards the grass, calling out greetings to her teammates as she went.
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Monday, February 10th, 2014

Who: Meaghan McCormack and Barry Ryan.
What: Exchanging birthday gifts. Nothing wrong with that.
Where: Ryan residence
When: Monday, 10 February 2002, late afternoon.
Rating: Awkward.
Status: In Progress | Closed

There was nothing to worry about. Except everything )
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Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

Who:  Meaghan McCormack and Barry Ryan. Guest starring Aislin Ryan.
What:  Prompt Challenge - Red
Where:  Meaghan’s home, Isle of Skye, Scotland
When:  July 2001.
Rating:  Low. There are CHILDREN.
Status:  Logged, Complete

~~~ )
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Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

Who:  Meaghan McCormack
What:  Prompt- Flowers
Where:  Meaghan's house, Isle of Skye, Scotland
When:  2000
Rating:  Kittens
Status:  Narrative, Complete

a glorious, miraculous, wonderful off day )
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