Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Who: Jay Singleton and Finley Wood
What: An exchange of clothes
Where: Finley's apartment
When: Tuesday evening
Rating: ?
Status: In progress

In the end, Jay wasn't a total harpy. )
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Sunday, March 30th, 2014

Who: Jay Singleton and Lisa Cullen
What: For the prompt challenge - Dancing on Tables
Where: The Snitch and Quaffle
When: Thursday
Rating: Low
Status: In progress

But it was still a good break, even though the impending transfer week hung in the air above them, too. )
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Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

Who: Jay Singleton and Max Valdez
Where: Walk and Wag Charity Walk
When: Today
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

'But he's so FLUFFY!' )
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Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Who: Jay Singleton
What: Prompt Challenge - Rain
Where: Montrose Stadium
When: May 1987
Rating: Low
Status: Complete [Narrative]

'But where's Mum?' )

Who: Jay Singleton
What: Prompt Challenge - Away
Where: Singleton Household
When: February 1991
Rating: Low
Status: Complete [Narrative]

'Don't miss me too much.' )

Who: Jay Singleton
What: Prompt Challenge - Red
Where: World Cup Grounds
When: August 25, 1994
Rating: Low
Status: Complete [Narrative]

They'd decided to stay a little while longer, even though the American National Team had been eliminated early on. )

Who: Jay Singleton
What: Prompt Challenge - Flowers
Where: St. Mungo's
When: December 25, 1995
Rating: Low
Status: Complete [Narrative]

There were so many flowers in the ward when he woke. )

Who: Jay Singleton
What: Prompt Challenge - Loss
Where: Singleton Household
When: June 1996
Rating: Low
Status: Complete [Narrative]

'We're sorry for your loss,' they'd said. )

Who: Jay Singleton
What: Prompt Challenge - Snitch
Where: Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch
When: mid-September 1999
Rating: Low
Status: Complete [Narrative]

That he was never going to be a Beater on the Slytherin squad was crystal clear to him then... )

Who: Jay Singleton
What: Prompt Challenge - Cold
Where: Singleton household
When: December 23, 1999
Rating: Low
Status: Complete [Narrative]

There was something wrong with the charms again. )

Who: Jay Singleton & Sara [NPC]
What: Prompt Challenge - Kiss
Where: The Restricted Section haha no not really Hogwarts Library
When: November 2000
Rating: Low (PG for language and kissing?)
Status: Complete [Narrative]

'There's a spell for that?' )

Who: Jay Singleton
What: Prompt Challenge - Next
Where: Puddlemere Stadium
When: Training camp, 2002 season
Rating: Low
Status: Complete [Narrative]

There were many ways that Jay had imagined this chapter of his life would go. )
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Friday, February 21st, 2014

WHO: Kay & Jay.
WHEN: Sunday, 2/23
WHERE: Nox Restaurant
SUMMARY: That paparazzi get a couple shots of Kay and Jay trying to eat in complete darkness.
RATING: PG, probably.
STATUS: Ongoing.

She was thankful that Jay had helped her escape that fate. )
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Monday, February 17th, 2014

Who: Jay Singleton and Clarice Zabini
What: For the prompt challenge "cup"
Where: Clarice's office
When: Earlier this year
Rating: Lowish hopefully, this IS Clarice
Status: In Progress

Another little bug she had to care about )
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Sunday, February 16th, 2014

Who: Jay Singleton and Marcus Flint
What: A run-in (literally)
Where: Stonehenge
When: During the gala
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress

Read more... )
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