Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Who: Indira Choudry
What: A vacation for one (Prompt Challenge: Away)
Where: On the beach in Palolem, Goa, India
When: September 2002
Rating: T, some suggestions
Status: Closed; complete narrative

Sometimes being away gave you a bit of perspective. )
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Who: Indira Choudry
What: Her last game as a Harpy (Prompt Challenge: Loss)
Where: Harpies Locker Room
When: After her last game, July 1998
Rating: SFW
Satus: Closed; complete narrative

But as she stared at her locker, now empty of everything except the memories that Indira had, she felt a tightness in her chest. )
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Friday, February 14th, 2014

Who: Everyone!
What: Quidditch launch event
Dress code: Evening/dress robes
Where: At a hotel in Diagon Alley then a secret location!
When: Friday, February 14th.
Rating: TBA.
Status: IC/OOC, in progress.

It was a cold but beautiful night )
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Friday, February 7th, 2014

Who: Emily Campbell and Indira Choudry.
What: Prompt challenge, ‘Next’.
Where: Tutshill Tornadoes Stadium.
When: 1998.
Rating: G/FRK.
Status: Closed, Incomplete.

'What's next?' )
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Thursday, February 6th, 2014

WHO: Brooke Duvall & Indira Choudry
WHAT: Prompt Challenge - Kiss
WHEN: 2001 - Before the Opening Gala
WHERE: Six Senses Spa, London
STATUS: In Progress

Alright, I want to know who on Earth comes up with these names )
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Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

WHO: Nonie MacFarlan and Indira Choudry
WHAT: Prompt - Snitch
WHERE: Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch
WHEN: Fall 1988. Ravenclaw v. Hufflepuff
RATING: Can't imagine anything higher than PG
STATUS: closed; complete

She could be just as good as her father. Better, even. )
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Who: Gwenog Jones & Indira Choudry
What: Prompt Challenge - Cold.
Where: Hogwarts Quidditch pitch
When: A Saturday in December 1985. Early.
Rating: Low probably. Maybe some language because 17-year-old Gwenog had a pottymouth.
Status: Log, Complete.

'Slytherin’ll be wearing their skins black and blue for our match in spring.'  )
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Saturday, February 1st, 2014

WHO: Indira Choudry
WHAT: Prompt challenge-Flower
WHERE: Family home, Delhi India
WHEN: October, 2000
STATUS: Closed; complete narrative

Everywhere there was color and dirt and life and death, and all so much of it that her senses were assaulted. )
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Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Marcus & Indira

WHO: Marcus Flint & Indira Choudry
WHAT: Prompt - Red
WHEN: Post-2001 Season
WHERE: A fan event at Quality Quidditch Supplies
RATING: Likely SFW with some swearing
STATUS: Closed, in progress

Big world of nope )
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Sunday, January 26th, 2014

Who: Indira Choudry and Oggie Ogden
What: Rain (aka Prompt Challenge!)
When: 2001, Puddlemere vs. Tutshill
Where: Puddlemere United stadium
Rating: low, some swearing
Status: closed, in progress

Read more... )
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