Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Who: Philbert Deverill and Clarice Zabini.
What: Plot Slot, Week 2 - Clarice has received a box of sweets that very much belong to Phil. :c
Where: Clarice’s office/Puddlemere HQ?
When: Tuesday, February 18th.
Rating: TBD but I don't see these two getting explicit in any sense of the word.
Status: Log, in progress. Posting this now because we haven't finished yet, but the rest will be posted shortly.

Phil tended to be a down-the-neck-breathing sort. )
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Monday, February 17th, 2014

Who: Jay Singleton and Clarice Zabini
What: For the prompt challenge "cup"
Where: Clarice's office
When: Earlier this year
Rating: Lowish hopefully, this IS Clarice
Status: In Progress

Another little bug she had to care about )
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