Tweak Says the Queerest Things - December 12th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Tweak

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December 12th, 2007

You go, Tweak!! [Dec. 12th, 2007|12:08 am]


Tweak's on a QAF roll!!!

I got "I'm taking a chance on love."

I got one before that, but I forget what it was. Woe!
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Squee! [Dec. 12th, 2007|02:32 am]


I got a couple of new ones tonight.

First I got "I'll still be your queer son."

Then when I came here to post that I got "Buy the damn roses, Brian." Hee!

I also got "And you'll always be beautiful." *hmmm...doesn't have an icon for that... must fix*
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Another new one [Dec. 12th, 2007|04:06 am]


Tweak says "Let me? He loved it." I don't have an icon from that scene either. Hmph.
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|10:11 am]


When I logged in the morning I got 

"I'm going with him!"
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Right you are, Tweak. [Dec. 12th, 2007|11:44 am]


Tweak says "It's not slash, it's canon."
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Tweak went to Babylon [Dec. 12th, 2007|12:19 pm]


*thumpa thumpa*

hell yeah Tweak, rock on

ETA: "Welcome to my filthy mind"
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So. Much. Love. *faints* [Dec. 12th, 2007|12:47 pm]


I just had to play with Tweak for awhile like [info]chrisyeap did when I saw all the wonderful quotes she got. I needed a dose of Teh Love because this hasn't been the greatest day so far. Tweak obviously knew this and did all he could to cheer me up. He said 64 different QAF related things to me (a couple are iffy but I'm claiming them) not counting repeats or variations on the same quote. OMG, so much love!!!

Ya wanna check it out? )
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|01:28 pm]


[Current Mood |chipper]

WOW, TWEAK really is in a qaf mood.

While replying to comments and posts, I just got the following (one right after the other):

"toolbelt of love"

"I'll fly like the wind"

"It fills the void"
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Finally a QaF quote! [Dec. 12th, 2007|02:24 pm]


"Justin is sunshine love."

Enough said.
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|04:35 pm]


Tweak just said, "No place special." Yay!

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Tweak loves QAF [Dec. 12th, 2007|04:53 pm]


"Dijon, like the mustard"
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lolz [Dec. 12th, 2007|04:53 pm]
"My comp wants to eat ur passwrd"
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i have to squee too, i just can't help it. [Dec. 12th, 2007|06:28 pm]


tweak is officially trying to kill me....

I won't post 80 billion times, but I have to at least post once cause in the space of a couple minutes I got:

That's not love. That's hate.

Put it on me.

I want u around 4 a long time.

You may be a pauper...

...Then you mean it.

Dude, Insane Journal and QAF Fandom are so totally OTP.

ETA: Brian Kinney gives a shit! *squeaks with glee*
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Oh, my lord!!! [Dec. 12th, 2007|07:03 pm]


I just got

"Brian Kinney Operating Manual*


ETA: I posted and got "Brian's Playground...Babylon."

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Ensuing Flailage [Dec. 12th, 2007|08:14 pm]


"He's my stalker".

*pets tweak*
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|09:07 pm]


Two in a row.

"Hey, Todd, howzit going?" 

"Why am I always Lois Lane?"
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What the heck [Dec. 12th, 2007|09:14 pm]


I decided to play with myself Tweak, too, and this is what I've gotten so far:

"Buy the damn roses, Brian." - LOVE THIS! :D

"Having second thoughts? not1"

"You so care about me."

"It'll warm up."

"Do I make room in my drawers?"

"...Then you mean it."

"My fandom has golden gardenias."

"It fills the void."

"what's up doc?"

"Brian Kinney <3 Justin Taylor"

"I could make a killing..."

"I think he might love that kid" - am I remembering this one right, or am I channeling fics?

"Hey, Spielberg, one drink."

"Just my allergies"

"Hail the King of Babylon."


"Now relax."

"Yes, cover your teeth."

"Gus. It's a good butch name."

"Hey, Wonder Wacker!"

"I made an early night..."

"A deal's a deal."

"Have I taught you nothing?"

"Promissa" - isn't that from the Rizabeau fic? The one where they went to Italy? I could be losing my mind. * shrugs*

"There's no such thing as enough"


"Don't be a twat."

"Think again, Boy Wonder."

"It's all about teh love."

"Say it. Yes. Yes what?"

"A joy forever!"

"Mind if I borrow your date?"

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[Dec. 12th, 2007|09:22 pm]


[Current Mood |happy]

I want you around 4 a long time.

immediately followed by

Mind if I borrow your date and I thought of Brian saying to Ben "Mind if I borrow your husband"
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|09:30 pm]


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Tweak rocks my socks [Dec. 12th, 2007|09:30 pm]


Tweak is killing me ded!!!!

"What are you, Goldilocks?"

And as I opened this to post, I'm looking at "Don't flatter yourself."

And I just plugged in about 5 more sayings.
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Got one finally [Dec. 12th, 2007|09:41 pm]


I finally got one. Huh. Seriously, I NEVER got one here, not for either of my shows.

Tweak says, "You think you're a man..."

A good beginning.
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oh dear tweak how i love thee [Dec. 12th, 2007|10:07 pm]



I was going to bed...and Tweak said, just for me, ...or i'll have to spank you.


ok, going to bed now...
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|10:09 pm]


I played with Tweak for 30 seconds, and this is what he told me:

"It's all about sex."
"but that's a part of it."
"I was so fuckin' scared."

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*I wasn't going to post any...but c'mon!* [Dec. 12th, 2007|10:18 pm]
This one is just too good to pass up:

"Hey, Speilberg, one drink."

Four words and I see the whole thing...Justin's silly voice and throwing his jacket over his shoulder...



"Full of sprites and fairies"
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|10:34 pm]
Just got - A B C D E E E!

I've never seen that one before.

And now - Take me to Babylon.

What did we do????
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|10:47 pm]


"Then how about marrying me?"

ETA: I just got:

"You so care about me."


"Stop Stockwell!"
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Tweak, how I love you! [Dec. 12th, 2007|10:52 pm]


I was beginning to feel left out of all the love Tweak was giving out but I have now gotten:

What are you, mr teflon?

Not in a life-affiming way

It's all about teh love

Sigh, going to bed happy now!
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*last one tonight* [Dec. 12th, 2007|10:58 pm]
"Everything is Justin's cookies."
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Bedtime Tweak [Dec. 12th, 2007|11:07 pm]


I'm getting ready for bed, and thought I'd check in with Tweak one last time. I got, one after the other:

"Put it on me.."

"I'm a tweaked out twinkie."

Night, Tweak. Fandom loves you like Brian loves Justin.
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[Dec. 12th, 2007|11:59 pm]


[Current Mood |bouncy]

Just got 3 in a row...

What is this a missile launch

You want me

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