Tweak Says the Queerest Things - October 9th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Tweak

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October 9th, 2007

nice start into the day [Oct. 9th, 2007|07:11 am]


The first thing I got after logging in this morning was

"No violin music please".

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Even Tweak is telling me to go back to work :( [Oct. 9th, 2007|01:27 pm]


Tweak says, "Later."

It might be a sign my lunch break is over. *sigh*
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another one [Oct. 9th, 2007|05:39 pm]


Just got "Breakfast included". That just has to be one of ours! I love Tweak!
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Justin and Brian in one Quote! [Oct. 9th, 2007|05:42 pm]


"I don't do boyfriends."
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[Oct. 9th, 2007|06:10 pm]


I just logged on and got "And you're so smart." A first for me :D
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Hey Stud! [Oct. 9th, 2007|06:45 pm]


[Current Mood |enthralled]

Wanna dance?
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Tweak and QaF - so wise. [Oct. 9th, 2007|09:01 pm]


I've been bitching telling my mother how tired I am of the schoolwork and work-work (which is pain in the ass considering I'm about to go broke buying gas to get to the job). I have finally gotten to the point where I can't say - with any certainty - that I will be functioning by the time I graduate since I'm convinced I'm going to end up in jail due to road rage while driving to work everyday. However, Tweak (and thereby QaF) made me feel better with this: "It's only time". So true.
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