21 September 2008 @ 05:15 pm
QAF Fandom InsaneJournal News -- 9/21/08  
A month. It's been a MONTH since I did this newsletter. You should all fire me immediately.

Seriously, I've had a particularly gruesome case of writer's block, which wouldn't matter except that I make my living writing. So I've been spending a lot of time in the fetal position, sobbing, interspersed with sweating blood while I try to choke out enough words to pay my bills. Not. Pretty. Trust me.


I won't even try to catch up with the previous weeks, just hit a couple of highlights and the current week. As always, if I've missed anything, or you have news, please let me know in the comments to this post!

Now, come inside for lots of QAF news and prettiness!

QAF Fandom News from InsaneJournal, for the week ending September 21, 2008 )