April 24th, 2008

[info]jamie_bloom in [info]quantuslibet

Hello Hogwarts

Name: Krisi
Character Name & Journal: Jamie Bloom [info]jamie_bloom
House: Gryffindor
Link to Character Sheet: http://jamie-bloom.insanejournal.com/428.html#cutid1
Contact Information: littlegreenleafo on AIM or at lady.morgaine@gmail.com (preferred)

[info]magimaeve in [info]quantuslibet

Hey There! :)

Name: Emily
Character Name & Journal: Maeve Hilton [info]magimaeve
House: Hufflepuff
Link to Character Sheet: Here you go!
Contact Information: magimaeve @ AIM / born_a_twirly@hotmail.com

[info]truthanderror in [info]quantuslibet

Just a quick hello from one of your mods (Diana)! I am so glad that we have people applying and I hope that we get more so that we can start next month. Quick reminder: don't forget to friend people as they join and new people can check the contact info list for info to friend older members. Lists are updated, so feel free to check out your rooming or any other information. So explore away! And remember....
