Thu, Sep. 8th, 2011, 11:23 am

WHO: Domino, OTA
WHERE: Town Square
WHAT: Arriving, grumbling quietly
WHEN: early afternoon
RATING: PG-13, for probable language
STATUS: Open and ongoing

Nothing is more disturbing than silence )

Wed, Sep. 7th, 2011, 10:45 pm

Who: Cable
What: Arrival in Quantum land
Where: town hall and outside of it.
When: Evening
Warnings/Ratings: None
Status: Open and Ongoing

It wasn't every day an entire town managed to sneak up on you. )

Tue, Sep. 6th, 2011, 10:30 pm

Who: The Riddler, OTA
Where: Town Square.
What: Arriving in town
When: Now
Rating: PG-13 for now.
Status: In Progress

I simply love what you've done with the place, heavy metal meets house and garden. )

Tue, Sep. 6th, 2011, 11:30 pm

Who: Rose Tyler and open to all!
Where: Town Hall, just outside of the doors.
What: Just (unwillingly) arrived!
When: Now
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

Waking up from the dream of reality. )

Tue, Sep. 6th, 2011, 11:55 pm

Who: The Metacrisis and Very Much Open!
Where: Town Square.
What: Arriving in town
When: Now
Rating: PG13 Just In Case!
Status:  In Progress

Tue, Sep. 6th, 2011, 08:44 pm

Who: 11 and open
What: Arrival
When: Now
Where: Town square
Rating: Low for the most part.

They call me the Doctor, I'm not sure why. I call me the Doctor too. Still not sure why. )

Tue, Sep. 6th, 2011, 08:59 pm

Who: Faith and OTA
Where: Outside of town, but coming into town.
What: Introducing Faith.
When: Now
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress

life is a highway, but only back roads for me. )

Tue, Sep. 6th, 2011, 06:21 pm

Who: Sam Winchester and open
What: Arriving, finding reality distorting
When: Almost night, near twilight
Where: In front of the Town Hall
Rating: TBA
Progress: Ongoing

It's all been done before... )

Tue, Sep. 6th, 2011, 10:55 am

Who: Nine and open
What: Arrival
When: Now
Where: Town square
Rating: Low?

Oh, no, not again... )

Mon, Sep. 5th, 2011, 10:57 pm
[info]quantummods: Welcome to the Town

Somewhere there's a path you've never bothered to follow before. There's never been a reason to turn down that particular fork in the road, there's never been a detour that led you down it, and you've never known anything interesting at the end of it.

Somewhere there's a town you've never bothered to investigate. Nothing notable has ever happened in or around it, no one important has ever been born or moved there, and while it might be on a map, there's never anything to say about it, and you can't seem to remember its name. It doesn't export anything, and it's not on the way to anywhere else.

Somewhere, there's a place you've never really thought about and never had the time to care about.

For whatever reason, today you follow that path. Today you finally find yourself wandering into or waking up inside this town. There's nothing of note to see, all of the people inside it are friendly, but not overly so. There's everything you could think to find in a normal town...and nothing distinctive.

And there's something there, walking just a few steps behind you, hovering just over your shoulder, there to be seen if you could just turn around quickly enough. Or is there?

You'll have plenty of time to make up your mind on the matter, because you won't be going anywhere for a long time.

Welcome to your new home.