
August 22nd, 2008

babygirl_garcia @ 09:18 pm: TITLE: All the Chai lattes in the world can't find Spencer Reid.
STARRING: Penelope Garcia and...you?
SUMMARY: Penelope hasn't slept in 3 nights and she's not ready to throw in the towel.

Penelope Garcia was tempted to dump her latte on her keyboard in absolute frustration. It wasn't because of an RP session gone awry. It was the lack of just about anything that she could provide to the case. Weston James wasn't in the social networking scene, he had no blogs, and beyond the world of the internet there wasn't much to find on him either.

She had read the same things over and over again. Weston's sisters address was embedded in her brain along with the admittance and records departments number for the hospital Weston resided at for a while in his late teens.

She was tired; beyond the need to curl up into a ball and dream of Derek in black boxer briefs. Beyond a cat nap under her desk. She was so tired that it was like her mind did a full circle and she actually wasn't tired again. That or she was delusional...which, she wouldn't deny if someone asked. Especially after she thought one of the dustbunnies under her desk was magenta.

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