
July 25th, 2008

evelyn_hotchner @ 05:16 pm: TITLE: Here comes the bride... [finally]
SUMMARY: JJ & Hotch finally tie the knot...this is the chaos that ensues.

Evelyn watched JJ's mother fuss over her for the hundredth time and adjusted the elastic at the top of her strapless dress as she surveyed the room. She'd volunteered to be the messenger girl between the men and the women.

"You look ah-mazing," Evelyn chirped happily in JJ's direction. "Wait 'til I inform my brother that it IS possible for you to look like even more of a little sexpot than normal," Evie grinned.

JJ smiled, "Seriously? I feel like a cow."

"Hardly," Garcia added in. She kicked the bathroom door. "Anyday now Emily, come on, what are you afraid of?"

"THE RUFFLES," Emily sighed through the door and Tatiana looked up from he magazine and giggled. Talia was pacing back and forth, waiting for her chance to perfect her makeup in the bathroom that Emily was hiding in, terrified to emerge in the feminine nightmare of a bridesmaids dress.

"Hey if I have to wear this crap, so do you!" Garcia added.

JJ shook her head and laughed as her mother adjusted her veil, "Has anyone seen my sister? I'm set to walk down the aisle in fifteen minutes and my maid of honor is missing!"

"No clue, but I'm off to harass my brother...I'll keep an eye out," Evelyn saluted as she slipped out the door and down the church hall to the room the men had taken over.

"So, big bro...your wife? Gorgeous, as in...I'd go gay for her gorgeous!" Evelyn announced with a smile, as Andrew Jareau raised a brow.

ex_emily_pre68 @ 11:20 pm: TITLE: The Favor
CHARACTERS: Nick Stokes, Sara Sidle, Emily Prentiss
SUMMARY: Emily has a semi strange favor to ask of Nick Stokes.


Of all the odd things Emily Prentiss had been through in her life (and that included a great many things due to her mother's profession) this certainly took the cake.

She made her way down to the lab, that in itself was nothing out of the ordinary. If she wasn't on the field, she spent a good portion of her time down there because that's where Sara was. She never got tired of Sara, nor did she get tired of watching Sara work. However today it wasn't just Sara she needed to see but one of the other members of the trifecta of best friends that included Sara Sidle & Greg Sanders...Nick Stokes. The idea had been discussed between Sara and Emily prior to the Hotchner wedding and then the night before this particular day; the night of the wedding. Emily's magic ability to coerce Sara into just about anything had now led them to the point of children. Tatiana aside, Emily wanted a baby. Somehow Sara agreed.

Now she had to approach Nick about it because well, he was the first choice in a long list of fatherly options.

Emily pushed into the lab, trying to look all official so no one would be suspicious of her motives. She could just image Strauss finding out. It wouldn't be pretty.

"Nick, can I speak with you in Sara's office?" Emily asked the man peering into a microscope. She glanced in the direction of Sara, as if to say 'you too.'

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