21 February 2010 @ 09:44 pm
B/J vid: Disconnected Child  
A B/J vid to the song Disconnected Child by Tin Star.

Download wmv file here

Download high res divx/avi file here
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[info]suze_y on February 23rd, 2010 07:13 pm (UTC)
OMG!! You've managed to take all that is "Guh!!!!" and weave it into this seamless, beautiful -- "Guh-ful!" whole.

So ... YouTube had a problem with this? *shakes head in wonder*

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qafmaniac: Text YOUTUBE HATES ME PROUD OF IT[info]qafmaniac on February 23rd, 2010 07:23 pm (UTC)
WHOOT!! I KNEW you would like it!

Yep,YT has a big problem with nekkit bodies.That's exactly what they said.It's sad,isn't it?
They said uploading something with nakedness in there is only allowed for schooling and scientific purposes.Jeez,what do they think I am doing? *looks innocently*
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[info]suze_y on February 23rd, 2010 07:34 pm (UTC)
nakedness in there is only allowed for schooling and scientific purposes

LMAO!!! Yeah, cause what is YouTube all about if not science and education at their finest! :D I for one never go there seeking mere entertainment and diversion ...

Your stuff's really too good for them, but I know you like a fight, so you go get 'em!!
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