Brian and Justin Fanfic - August 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Retreading the Best of Brian and Justin Fanfic

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August 21st, 2008

Gradiva Fics. [Aug. 21st, 2008|02:45 pm]


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Loooooooong time no retread. Hi fandom!

I've been strolling down Memory Lane recently, trying to organise my fic bookmarks and the gazillions of fics I have saved on my computer, and today I've been re-reading fics by gradiva, one of my all-time favourite writers. So I thought I'd dust off my Retread badge and share the love. Her writing style is so beautiful, her descriptions so vivid.

Enjoy, and drop her a comment while you're at it.

Growing Up, and the sequel.


Part 2 here.

Part 3 here.

Brian Kinney and the History of Architecture.

The Nature of Knowing.



Justin Taylor and the New Physics.
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EVERYTHING AT ONCE [Aug. 21st, 2008|07:03 pm]


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[Current Mood | excited]

I'm leaving you with a niiice, loong fic from the diva of pop culture: PLUMSUEDE

Anyone who can work in references to Mary Poppins, drunk Justin on a water fountain , and have Brian declare his dick his court appointed attorney owns my heart.

It's a post season four smokin' hot and sexy fic...and there is some moments that can only be called ridiculously romantic. ;)


Happy Retreading!
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