26 March 2009 @ 08:17 pm
Sola Sistim  
[info]bookgirl24 made a post earlier today about 306. She mentioned that Sola Sistim was one of her favorite songs.

Mine, too!, I said.

[info]brianslave68 mentioned that I'd asked for an icon of Justin's face (see above). I mentioned that I'd asked for a vid, too.

It's been a long time since I've rec'd this vid, and a long time since I've watched it, as well. It's such a sensual song, and therefore perfectly suited to Brian and Justin doing what they do best. So, for those who haven't seen it, and those who need to be reminded, here it is.

Sola Sistim, by Underworld

This vid was made for me by LJ's [info]qaffangyrl. Give her some love!!
