Queer as Folk Marathons - June 4th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 4th, 2010

Reminder [Jun. 4th, 2010|07:49 pm]


TGIF!! I hope everyone had a good week! On Sunday we will be watching episode 209 at 8pm CET (2pm EST/11am PST). The weekly icon show has opened over at [info]icon_finder. I hope everyone can find some goodies before the marathon and I hope to see everyone on Sunday!

Quick programing note: I am going to be leaving the great continent of Europe in two weeks, so I will no longer be able to reliably host the marathon after the 13th of June. Does anyone want to take over posting for me on a weekly basis so we can keep the marathon going. I will of course participate as much as I can, however I can't guarantee that I will be around on Sunday afternoons over the summer.
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