Queer as Folk Marathons - October 20th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 20th, 2007

Episodes 503-507 [Oct. 20th, 2007|09:05 pm]


Welcome back to our Season 5 Justin-centric marathon hosted by myself and [info]_alicesprings. Thank you to everyone that’s contributed so far! We’re now ready to move on to episodes 503-507. Summaries of Justin’s scenes and some discussion questions can be found under the cut. And remember that the discussion of episodes 501-502 is still open if you haven’t yet had a chance to contribute. You can find it HERE.

As a reminder, while the discussion post itself centers around Justin, you are always free to discuss any characters or scenes from Season 5 that you’d like. You can tie them to Justin if you want, or simply discuss an issue/scene/character/relationship that you want to explore in more detail.

Episodes 503-507 )
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