Queer as Folk Marathons - October 13th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 13th, 2007

Let's get started... [Oct. 13th, 2007|09:33 pm]


Hello and welcome to the Season 5 Justin-centric marathon hosted by myself and [info]_alicesprings. The discussion post for Episodes 501 and 502 will be going up shortly, and we’re really looking forward to everyone’s comments, observations, interpretations and thoughts!

As indicated, we’re focusing our discussion questions on Justin's actions, reactions, and motivation. Why does he make the decisions that he does, what is he really looking for, and what does it all mean within the context of his life, his future and his relationship with Brian?

In line with that, we’ll be posting recaps of each Justin scene along with some comments, thoughts and questions, which will (hopefully!) inspire discussion. Within each post, we’ll also provide a series of comments, one labeled for each Justin scene. You can respond to those in order to comment on each specific scene, or post your own comments about whatever you’d like to talk about.

While the discussion posts themselves will center on Justin, you are always free to discuss any characters or scenes from Season 5 that you’d like. You can tie them to Justin if you want, or simply discuss an issue/scene/character/relationship that you want to explore in more detail. While the discussion posts will be Justin-specific, your comments don’t have to be!

And on to the marathon…
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Episodes 501-502 [Oct. 13th, 2007|09:42 pm]


We’ll begin our marathon with the first two episodes. Full details can be found under the cut.

Episodes 501-502 )
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