Queer As Folk Anonymous Kink


April 17th, 2010

edom @ 11:58 am: Two pleas
I have two small pleas to you all.

First, could we try to limit the subject lines to requests and fics. No subject lines in seconds or plusses, that way you can see if a request has been filled because it has a titel.

Does any of that make any sense?

Second, please cross post your requests and your fics on the mirror site on LJ, you might get more fics and more responce that way :) You can find the link on the left hand side of this page. You don't have to have an account on LJ to post in this comm since it's anonymous :D

The first request has been filled on LJ. Go forth and read, and please remember to leave a comment for the anon author, and tell if you are the OP (original poster). That way the authors knows if they've hit on what you wanted or if they are way off base ;)

I'm so happy to see how many great requests we've gotten and I look forward to all the great fics we'll get out of this.

Thank you all

edom @ 06:55 pm: LJ'ers post here ;)
On promt from the_minx_17 I've started this post where authors from LJ can post their fics and include the original request.

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