Queer As Folk Anonymous Kink


April 12th, 2010

edom @ 11:29 pm: New community

This community is a place where users anonymously post fiction requests that involve a specific kink and other anonymous users write it for them.

- There will be a new round every three months (may change according to interest).
- All requests and fics/artwork must be anonymous. Once the week is over, you may reveal yourselves and post your stories/artwork wherever you wish.
- All requests must include at least one character from QAF (so crossovers and RPS are allowed) and a kink. Only one request per comment.
- Requests and fills may come in the form of writing or artwork. If you would like to include a picture in your request/fill that is NSFW, please make it a link as it might be offensive to some.
- Please have the title of your fic/artwork in the subject when replying, it will make things easier.
- There can be more than one answer to a request, the more stories/artwork, the better for all of us.
- The length of each story/size of each artwork is up to you.
- Trolls' and off-topic comments will be deleted, meaning comments that don't request, second, answer or review.
- Some of the kinks and/or pairings in here may squick you, so don't read anything you don't like because the responsibility lies on yourself and no one else. By participating, you agree that you are of the legal age wherever you live to read this.
- To stay anonomous you can upload all artwork to photobucket. Username: qafkink, password: gayporn

First round starts right now. Coment to this thread with your request and then comment to that with your answer or a second to that request. Have fun everybody.

All requests posted after this time will be deleted; if you still have something you'd like to see filled, save it for the next round in three months. I hope all the writers out there will post some awsome fics to all the wonderful kinky requests :) If your request isn't filled you are more than welcome to repost it next time. Love, Edom

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