Queer as Folk Drabbles [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Challenge #30 CLOSED//Challenge #31: The Definition of Happy [Sep. 19th, 2007|09:44 pm]

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The official condom count is:
Ben: 3
Brian: 10

And our winner:
Justin, with 36 condoms. good lord</font>


Challenge #31: The Definition of Happy

For this challenge, you must use the following words in your drabble:

Remember guys, you if have any ideas for challenges, leave us a comment!
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Challenge # 30: 216-220 [Sep. 19th, 2007|05:38 pm]

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This is the conclusion of my post-216 AU kitten drabble series, where Brian finds a kitten in the alley on his way home from not buying roses, which begins here. Please read them in order or this won't make sense.

My typist [info]xie_xie_xie (not her real name) says this is a fix-it fic and that's very bad, but I don't care. It could have happened like this. Kittens have mysterious powers. Just ask them.

Here are the final five drabbles. All condoms to Justin.

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Challenge #30: 216-220 [Sep. 19th, 2007|04:40 pm]

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This is the fourth through fifteenth sixteenth parts of my post-216 AU kitten drabble series that begins here. I am almost done... there are 13 drabbles here. All 13 condoms go to Justin.

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Home, Two 220 Drabbles [Sep. 19th, 2007|06:55 pm]

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Title: Home?
Author: Vamphile
Timeline: 220
Condom(s): Justin

I hear the door open. 2:59 am. I can breathe again. I consider feigning sleep but when he hesitates, unsure as to whether he’s welcome in our bed. I pull the duvet back in an invitation. It’s a small gesture. There was a time when it would have been enough. I don’t know if anything would be at this point. He crawls in and lies down next to me. I close my eyes and stroke his arm. Around this time his body will usually relax into mine. Tonight it doesn’t. I knew love was going to hurt. I wasn’t wrong.

I stare off, unable to sleep, unable to think. His hand stroking my arm should be comforting, it isn’t. I close my eyes for a second but that makes it worse, not better. I stare at the wall and count color shades the way others might count sheep. I’m not trying to sleep. I’m trying not to think. Ethan says he loves me. I feel Brian’s breathing even out, his arm still draped over mine. I don’t move. I’m not uncomfortable, his presence can be disturbingly reassuring. He told me that he didn’t believe in love… I wish I didn’t.
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Challenge # 30: 216-220 [Sep. 18th, 2007|11:48 pm]

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This is the third in my post-216 AU in which Brian finds a kitten in the alley right after he doesn't buy Justin roses. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.

Justin can have the condom. I don't want it.

Thank you to [info]xie_xie_xie (not her real name) for typing this.

By Rebel

Justin sat on the sofa, the kitten asleep on his lap. Brian was at the computer, probably Googling “kittens.”

Daphne’s family had a cat, so he’d phoned her for advice. She’d made an emergency delivery of food, litter, and a decidedly non-designer litterbox. Brian regarded it with horror, but the kitten had used it with relief. And then ate the entire can of food.

Justin stroked her dirty fur, wondering what had made Brian bring her home.

After a while he fell asleep, his arms curled protectively around the kitten.

Brian put a blanket over him, and went to bed.

Continued here...

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Challenge #30: 216-220 [Sep. 18th, 2007|10:17 pm]

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This is the sequel to my post-216 AU kitten drabble, which is here. This series begins after Brian is on his way home from not buying the roses at the end of 216, and he finds a kitten in the alley.

The kitten condom is for Justin.

By Rebel

Brian drove home, one hand on the kitten to keep her from shaking. When he opened the door to the loft, he wondered what fucking influence the lesbians had on Justin that he was listening to classical music.

Justin stared, a strange expression on his face. Brian just stood there, the kitten against his chest, cradled in his hand.

Justin came over. “What….”

Brian shrugged. “It’s a kitten.”

Justin stroked her, and with his hand resting over her, and Brian’s beneath her, for the first time in a very, very long time, she felt warm. And safe.

So she purred.

Part 3 is here...
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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 18th, 2007|10:55 am]
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[mood |creative]

TITLE: “MASK 2" (Justin’s POV) [Sequel to “MASK" (Brian’s POV)]
AUTHOR: Doppelganger
BETA’D BY: Tweedygal
A/N: Thank you so much for reading my stuff and beta’ing (is that even the right term) them for me. I really appreciate it! This fandom is really full of love *kisses*


“Ethan!” Smiling, Justin whispered as he met a dark-haired young man by the entrance of the dance floor. His spirit soared up high. When their lips touched, Justin felt the void within him being filled. But no, not completely. However he decided it would do.

Their faces parted. Justin turned around and there he was...glaring at them. He took his mask off…Justin looked straight into Brian’s eyes but couldn’t read him. 

“Just say it Brian…just say it,”
Justin hoped.

But Brian just stood there. Justin choked as numbness overpowered him; he took Ethan’s hand. It was time to move on…




TITLE: “FIRST DAY (Brian‘s POV)” [Sequel to “FIRST NIGHT (Justin‘s POV)”]
AUTHOR: Doppelganger
BETA’D BY: Tweedygal
A/N: Thanks a lot!!!! You are the best!
TIMELINE: Post Episode 220


It’s the first day since Justin’s been gone. The pristine loft’s all to himself again. It’s heavenly quiet, but it feels like hell. Anywhere he turned, there he was; young, blond, beautiful… He ached inside for him.

A body lying next to him moved. “Get out,” he told the man coldly as he got out of bed; the same man he danced with last night after Justin left with his new lover.


“Get the FUCK out!”

The man hurriedly left, cursing him under his breath. Brian lit a cigarette; felt a tear coming, but he didn’t let it fall.

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Nothing Left To Prove [Sep. 18th, 2007|04:14 pm]

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Title: Nothing Left To Prove
Author: Vamphile
Timeline: 219
Condom: Justin

“I like to smell you, not soap.”

He flinches. I pull him forward, devouring his mouth, literally sweeping him off his feet and bringing him to his knees. His hands, mouth, and cock I feel them all respond. His leg wraps around mine, pulling me closer and I want him. My own body reacting to him, we’re both so fucked. The anger doesn’t dissipate. I want him and I want to hurt him and I’m not sure which scares me more. “Go take a shower… you stink.” I can’t look at him right now, I’m afraid of what he’ll see.

I let my head thunk back against the floor. My heart’s racing, for different reasons than a few moments ago. I’m out of tears. I’m out of hope. I’m out of control. I feel dirty, dirtier than I did when I first headed towards the shower. Then I felt like a liar, now I feel like a whore. I have to get out of here. This isn’t where I should be. We both know it now. He figured it out a while ago. It took me longer to catch up. It would be easier if I didn’t still love him.
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Waiting [Sep. 17th, 2007|07:05 pm]

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Title: Waiting
Author: Vamphile
Timeline: 217
Condom: Justin

"Come congratulate me. Your partner just made partner."

No response. The place is empty. He must be out. I find Michael et. al. at Babylon, but not Justin. He went without me. I’m heading back to the loft, mentally packing, heading to Vermont, to find him, to… what? I can’t tell him what he wants to hear, and he’s been listening for it. Once home I realize there’s no point, he’s not just gone for the week; not really, he’s been leaving for a while. I know, I’ve been telling him to. I just wish he’d stop listening to me.

The place is beautiful. Snowboarding is almost fun, even if I’m freezing half the time, and the guys are hot but every night I sit here, flipping through the channels and hoping he’ll call. Every time I come in the door I let out a breath I swore I wouldn’t be holding when he’s not here. I curse myself every time I check my messages. I should be past this. He’s where he wants to be, doing what he wants to be doing. No surprise. He never comes when I wait for him, didn’t I learn that the last time?
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Challenge #30 Episodes 216 - 220 [Sep. 17th, 2007|04:04 pm]
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Title: I will wait forever
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: 220
Condom: Ben

“What is it baby?”
“I don’t want you to go”
Those are the words I want to say but I know I won’t. This is what he wants, what he needs. I will be here waiting for him when he comes back, I would wait forever for him. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him and I will love him till my dying day.
“Go, with my blessing and approval”
He smiles at me and I know I made the right decision. He is mine, distance will never part us.
“I love you”
“I know”
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Challenge # 30: 216-220 [Sep. 16th, 2007|04:41 pm]

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REPOST: Sigh, I accidentally put this in my own journal instead of the drabble community, sorry!

Title: Midnight
Author: Xie
Timeline: 218
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: I really should give it to Michael, but it's for Justin, as always

He’d fallen asleep in the chair. Some people look younger when they sleep, but Michael always looks more grown up to me with his eyes closed, breathing slowly, his face half-buried in his arm.

He’s sitting just out of my reach, but I pretend I’m holding his hand, that his legs are twisted up with mine. I smile a little, and imagine Michael’s lying next to me in bed, and we’re not in this cold hospital room, in the middle of the night, hoping for the best, trying not to think about the worst.

And I go back to sleep.
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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 16th, 2007|07:28 pm]

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Title: Vermont
Author: [info]testdog65 aka Ellen
Warnings: None
Condom: Justin

The room was dark and quiet. Shadows, cast from the outside lighting, played cautiously along the walls. Justin dropped his bag by the door and fumbled for the light switch. He turned it off again before his eyes adjusted. Dark was a better option for now.

He tossed his jacket over a chair. Making his way to the bed, he stripped down to his underwear and crawled between the starchy whiteness of the hotel sheets. The mattress was too hard, the room felt cold, and Justin thought about finding his phone. Instead he lay still and waited for sleep.
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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220-- This is how it should have happened [Sep. 16th, 2007|11:13 am]

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[mood |awake]

Title: This is How it Should Have Happened
Author: [info]faile02
Condom: Even though I never do this, my condom goes to Brian

“I can’t go to Vermont, Justin. I have to work… Come with me to Chicago.”

“I made reservations for dinner… There will be no clapping of fucking birthday songs, understand?”

“They aren’t for you… the vase fit there. Apparently flowers make people happy.”

“Nice crowd tonight. We’ve already sold out of the first issue. You did good, Justin.”

Sometimes, Brian replays events in his head, thinking about what he should have said, or done, differently. But Brian Kinney doesn’t believe in the “shoulda, coulda, woulda”. He believes in the here and now. Justin will come back. He always did before.
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Challenge # 30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 16th, 2007|01:48 am]
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[Current Location |LLC 502]
[mood |contemplative]
[music |nada]

Title: Winning/Losing (Parts 1-4) 
Author: Exmptfromsanity
Timeline: 218
Warnings: none
Condoms: Brian

Part 1 )
Part 2 )

Part 3 )

Part 4 )
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Challenge # 30: 216-220 [Sep. 15th, 2007|09:43 pm]

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Title: Like Always
Author: Xie
Timeline: Late Season Two
Condom: Justin

He fucked me the way he always did. Like I was everything to him. Like my skin and smell and the way I felt under his fingers were the whole universe.

He kissed me hard. He ate me alive. He groaned my name, grabbed my hair. When I came, he held me close, and licked every drop off his fingers.

He even held me in his arms while I fell asleep.

But he didn’t ask me what I’d been trying to tell him in the shower, or where I’d been the night before.

He never said a word. Like always.
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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 15th, 2007|08:32 am]
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[Current Location |New York]
[mood |sad]
[music |"This Boy" by the Beatles]

TITLES: “Beginning of the End 1 (Brian’s POV) and 2 (Justin’s POV)”
AUTHOR: Doppelganger
A/N: This particular scene in 220 just breaks my heart over and over…
CONDOMS: One for Kinney, the other one for Sunshine.


He couldn’t fall asleep. He wanted his warmth, needed his heat. 
‘Come home, Justin…’ 
Tonight is the beginning of the end. 
‘He loves me…in ways that you can’t.’ His words dug holes in his brain, punctured his chest and…whatever lies within. 
‘It’s not three yet.’ He hoped. 
He heard the door opening and closing. Brian waited in the dark, footsteps echoed as Justin walked towards the bedroom. Brian watched as he undressed, then made a room in bed for him. As he wrapped his arm around Justin he thought, ‘He’s not with me anymore…I’m losing him…’ and closed his eyes.




He opened the door. The quietness of the loft is insanely deafening. The blue lights above the bed that is usually on is now off he noticed. Cold sensation washed over him. He walked towards the bedroom; he’s still up. Their eyes met. 
Tonight’s the beginning of the end.
‘In ways that I won’t,’ was his reply to him earlier. His words dug holes in his brain, punctured his heart…
He took his clothes off. Brian pulled the covers for him; he crawled in bed with him. As Brian wrapped his arm around him, he thought, ‘I’m leaving him…I’m leaving…’

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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 15th, 2007|08:25 pm]

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Title: Symbols
Author: [info]testdog65 aka Ellen
Warnings: None
Condom: Justin

Justin blew against his hands to warm them as he made his way down the sidewalk. It was dusk, and the air was still and dense, a veil over the world as daylight blended into night.

The brightly colored flowers of the street vendor’s booth stood out in sudden, bold defiance against the coldness of the winter air. Justin slowed his pace and looked wistfully at the red roses, momentarily captivated by their thorny beauty.

He hitched the strap of his bag higher on his shoulder and pulled his coat close around him. Turning away, he headed home.
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Not that kind of shower scene [Sep. 15th, 2007|06:09 pm]

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Title: Not That Kind of Shower Scene (Brian’s POV)
Author: Vamphile
Timeline: 219?
Condom: Justin

I scared him, in the shower? That’s new. The look on his face when he says my name is not. He wants to tell me something. I already know. He looks at me, and, at least for a moment, he can read me again because he doesn’t. He kisses me and I turn him around, this we can do. This still works. He gives himself over to pleasure and I try to do the same. It’s what I’m famous for. I can’t help wondering why this is the only thing that still works between us. I know he’s leaving soon.

Title: Not That Kind of Shower Scene (Justin's POV)
Author: Vamphile
Timeline: 219?
Condom: Justin

I know he knows. I know I should tell him. I know he doesn’t want me to. So I let him fuck me. It’s not really a hardship. We’ve never had trouble in this area, we still don’t. I lean my head back; he rolls his hips and pushes into me. What the fuck am I thinking? I know he cares, he has to, this isn’t just sex, it can’t be. But when we’re done he doesn’t say a word, doesn’t look at me, the feeling is lost again. I’m lost again. I have to tell him, just… not tonight.
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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 14th, 2007|11:09 am]
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[Current Location |New York]
[mood |crushed]
[music |nothing, watching "Malcolm in The Middle"]

AUTHOR: Doppelganger
A/N: I know Justin wasn’t happy leaving with Ian the fiddler *heh* He just didn’t know he wasn’t…
TIMELINE: Filler for 220; the night Sunshine ran off with Ethan.
Another condom for Kinney.


It’s his first night away from home. Away from Brian. The body that’s laying next to him is so familiar and yet so strange. No leg nor arm over him. No hard hand on his nape. No hazel eyes to watch over him as he drifts into a slumber.

Tonight he listens to a steady breathing instead of the ‘funny-little-wheeze’ due to a deviated septum according to Michael. He smiled in the dark, turned to the person next to him; funny thoughts of Michael in his head, when he realized who he’s with. A single tear rolled down his cheek…

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Challenge # 30: 216-220 [Sep. 14th, 2007|01:40 pm]

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Title: Quiet
Author: Xie
Condom: Justin
Timeline: Late Season Two

There was a light on by the computer. I didn’t hear the keyboard. He was probably drawing, or just staring into the screen, that weird digital light on his face.

I turned away, pulling the pillow over my head. I could fall asleep with music blasting, the TV on, every light in the place blazing. I could fall asleep in the simmering silence, too.

An hour later, I gave up. I pushed the duvet down and walked into the living room.

Justin was asleep on the sofa, his right hand tucked under his cheek, a blanket slipping off his legs.
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Wrong Again [Sep. 14th, 2007|03:39 pm]

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Title: Wrong Again
Author: Vamphile
Timeline: 216
Condom: Justin

His face lights up with a joy I haven’t seen in a while. his body pressed against mine. I turn him around and cover his eyes, he’s practically bouncing as I lead him towards the bedroom. I swear I can feel the smile even when I can’t see it, and I can feel the disappointment when I lower my hand and he sees him. A hot masturbatory fantasy come to life, what more could a nineteen year old boy ask for? Apparently an ugly blue blazer, or well, anything else. His reaction tells me everything. Fuck, I got it wrong…again.
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Challenge #30. Episodes 216 - 220 [Sep. 14th, 2007|04:14 pm]
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Title: Wanting to Live
Author: Foreverbm
A/N: Episode 218, from Ben's POV
Condom: Ben

Michael’s voice floated in my head, his words muffled by his tears which I knew would be falling. I tried to pull myself out of the darkness, to come back to him, to tell him how much I loved him, to say sorry for putting him through this but it was just too much effort. I could feel his hand squeezing mine, giving me his strength to stay with him.
Didn’t he know that I would fight with everything I possessed to never to leave him. His love enveloped me and if that was the cure I would be well.
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Challenge # 30: 216-220 [Sep. 13th, 2007|09:27 pm]

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Tonight xie_xie_xie (not her real name) was crying because Brian didn't buy some roses. Roses would have died and they were stupid anyway. He should have gotten Justin a kitten. This is just a fantasy, though, so the best I can do is given Justin a condom.

What if… a 216 kitten drabble
By Rebel

As he passed the alley, Brian couldn’t believe he’d almost bought those lesbian roses. Then he saw a kitten, her back arched, hissing at a big cat near a dumpster.

“Hey!” The cat bolted, but the kitten, who’d been hungry and cold ever since her mother died, simply curled up right where she was and prepared to be killed by the monster looming over her.

Brian picked her up and felt her trembling. He’d told Justin he couldn’t have a cat in the loft. Fuck knew what she’d do to his Italian leather sofa.

Brian kept walking towards the Jeep.

Continued here...

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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 13th, 2007|11:24 am]
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[Current Location |New York]
[mood |determined]
[music |nothing right now...]


AUTHOR: Doppelganger
A/N: Episode 216 *sigh* the ending is just heart-breaking. You know Brian loves Justin so much that it hurts him. If only he could just let go and let his feelings be free…and the roses. The roses! *sniff* I hope you guys will like this one :O)
TIMELINE: 216 ending. Brian’s POV
Kinney owns me this week. Condom goes to the King of Denial.


He smelled the bouquet; so vibrant. So red….just like how he feels inside.

“Shall I wrap them for ya?” Asked the old florist. He looked at the old man then back to the open petals staring at him. Sunshine would be thrilled. He know he’d be happy…


He wanted to tell the florist, “please give me two dozens.”

But a more powerful emotion washed all his good thoughts. On his hand all he see is a bleeding heart. How do you handle such feeling? Such fear?

“No thanks.” He firmly answered then walked away.

‘I’m not yet ready …’

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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 13th, 2007|07:19 pm]
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[mood |sneezy, damned allergies]
[music |Wilco: Pieholden Suite]

Double Drabble

Title: The Roses
Notes: Thanks to [info]catcayman for the beta...you keep me in line!
And the condom goes to: Brian

Four evenings in a row, Brian stopped at the flower stand. The third day, the vendor asked if Brian would like to buy some. Brian hesitated but finally refused.

On the fourth evening, he bought a dozen. As the vendor handed them to Brian he said, "Good luck."

A middle-aged couple waited with Brian at the next corner. "Those are beautiful," one of them remarked. Closing his eyes briefly, Brian handed the flowers to her as the light changed, waving off her surprised protest. He passed another vendor; his mouth tightened, but he didn't slow. He walked alone into the darkness.

Title: The Picnic
Notes: I'm breaking my own condom rule this time, Justin gets one too.
And the condom goes to: Justin

Four afternoons in a row, Justin went to the market. He looked at the fancy cheeses and the gourmet olives, but he didn't buy anything.

He found ways to justify a picnic. Brian Kinney didn't believe in romance, but he had to eat, right? Even if the food was served on the floor and candles were lit, it was still just a meal.

On the fourth afternoon, he bought the cheeses and the olives and the candles and the wine. Closing his eyes briefly, he hoped for the best. Then, he set it up and waited alone in the candlelight.
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216 I don't Believe In Birthdays [Sep. 13th, 2007|08:07 pm]

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Title: I don't Believe...
Author: Vamphile
Warning Angst (216, HELLO)
Condom: Justin

Justin downs the tequila, sucking the lime and trying not to make a face. He licks the salt and tries to avoid Ted’s eyes. No issue avoiding Brian’s, he’s not even looking at him. He says he agrees and he’s not lying, not completely. He sees the point, a little, about not celebrating birthdays. Hell, even Stalin and Hitler managed to get born. Brian finally looks at him but Justin can’t read him anymore. He wonders if he sometimes seems as inscrutable to Brian. He takes another shot, tired of thinking about it. Thinking has been getting him nowhere lately.
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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 12th, 2007|05:08 pm]
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[Current Location |New York]
[mood |sleepy]
[music |nothing, getting ready to go to bed *yawn*]

AUTHOR: Doppelganger
A/N: 219, what can I say…one of the saddest epis *sob* This was quickly beta’d by my good friend, ever dearest Kel (kittykat2305). I need to get some sleep by the way.
TIMELINE: Filler, 219 
Oh, I almost forgot; another condom for Kinney.

“Go take a shower…” he whispered to him. “You stink.”
Brian got off the floor quickly, turned around and headed towards the bedroom. His eyes are burning. His chest pounding. He sat down on the platform bed as he listened to the water being ran in the shower. He thought he heard Justin let out a cry. He closed his eyes, tightly. He smelled another man on his neck. Tasted another guy in his spit. Brian placed his hands on his face. He wanted to scream; to ask him why. He wanted to cry. But he did not know how…
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Challenge #30 Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 13th, 2007|04:52 pm]
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AUTHOR: Foreverbm
A/N: Depressing as always from me, for some reason.
TIMELINE: 218 (Michael's POV)

Michael sat at Ben’s bedside, his eyes focused on the rise and fall of his chest, ears tuned to every rasping breath that passed his lips.
Three days had passed since that phone call which shattered his world, bringing all the fears he had kept hidden flooding into his mind.
Ben was strong. But was that enough to fight this fucking disease.
He was angry, scared and helpless. He could do nothing except sit and wait, holding onto the words that Ben whispered every night. I love you Michael.
“I love you Ben. Stay with me please”
His tears fell.
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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 12th, 2007|02:32 pm]
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[Current Location |New York]
[mood |determined]
[music |"Loretta Young Silks" by Sneaker Pimps (again)]

AUTHOR: Doppelganger
A/N: I hope you guys will like it :O)
TIMELINE: 220 (Brian’s POV).
Condom goes to Kinney

Justin’s leaving. He’s prepared for it. But not from the pain. He stepped on the dance floor, and there he was; his full lips he knew so well touching another guy’s.

He took his mask off. For a few seconds he revealed himself, he let the pain bathe him.

Their eyes met. ‘I do love you…more than anything…’ He wanted to tell him but instead he hid behind Rage‘s mask; tough and powerful.

He will dance the pain away.

Sharp knives cutting him from the inside out; but he will not let him see it. He will not let it.

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Challenge #30: Episodes 216-220 [Sep. 12th, 2007|10:28 pm]

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Title: Dirty
Author: [info]testdog65 aka Ellen
Warnings: Angst
And the condom goes to: Justin

Justin groans as the hot water pounds against his recently tensed muscles. His head is down as he lets the warm wetness pour over his neck and shoulders. He aches everywhere, but the deepest ache is in his heart. He won’t cry though. He’s beyond that, settling into a quiet, broken desolation, only a tiny shard of hope remaining.

Justin looks up suddenly, sure that he heard the door open, that maybe Brian’s going to join him after all. After he’s washed away the stink, the evidence, the guilt. But there’s no one there, and he finishes his shower alone.
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Challenge #29: Closed// Challege # 30: Write a drabble set during 216-220 [Sep. 12th, 2007|08:26 pm]

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[mood |drained]

CHALLENGE # 29: Blackout is officially CLOSED. A HUGE thank you to everyone who played. There were some really creative drabbles this week. :)

And the condoms go to...
Emmett and Daphne each get one.
Brian gets eight but...
his boyfriend, Justin, wins (just like he wins at life) with 15.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

CHALLENGE # 30: Write a drabble set during 216-220.
( this challenge is inspired by the marathon [info]xie_xie_xie's going to host this week at [info]qaf_marathons)
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