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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Dude [Mar. 16th, 2009|03:24 pm]

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Title:What's in a Dude
Warnings/Author's Notes: Sometime post 513 Dude!drabble
And the condom goes to: Hunter

Ben's POV

Hunter and his cohort of lost boys were raiding the refrigerator. One pierced boy was cutting off hunks of Velveeta, squirting mustard on it, and popping it in his mouth. I had offered to make protein shakes with carrageenan in honor of St Patrick’s Day. I got a horrified, “DUDE” screeched in harmony.

Michael handed one tall, skinny kid a loaf of white bread, chocolate syrup and peanut butter when the kid asked,” Um, Dude?” He passed a red headed kid a Coke receiving a slight smile, a quiet, “Dude.” Hunter winked, grinning at Michael, “Dude.”
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Lie la lie [Mar. 6th, 2009|02:40 pm]

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Title: Lie la Lie
Warnings/Author's Notes: betas [info]vlredreign and [info]zaipixie tweaking by [info]tweedygal
And the condom goes to: Drew


I found him at Woody’s doing shots.

“Hey Mikey, did you know a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest?”

Brian should know better than to visit his father; especially if he was going to start quoting Simon and Garfunkle. Then again, that's what Ma was playing the first time he showed up at our place, bruises on his back and red rimmed eyes.

He toasts me with his next shot.

“But, the fighter still remains.”

I slip my shoulder under his arm, walking towards the door, taking his keys, whisky-soaked breath in my ear.

Lyrics taken from Simon and Garfunkle's The Boxer
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Fucked, Forever More [Mar. 6th, 2009|10:58 am]

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Title: Fucked, forever more
Warnings/Author's Notes: no beta, I may be banned from fandom for this one
And the condom goes to: Drew


Once upon a midnight weary, as I lay weak not cheery
Over many a bruise, scrape and possible bad hair
As I sulked, nearly sleeping, there came a creeping
A twink was sneak sneak sneaking to my bedroom lair
Tis some harmless blond, slipping into my bedroom liar

Only this, nothing more

Ah, distinctly I recalled, his eyes so blue, his ass I balled,
And each separate time he called, clothing soon strewn across the floor
I drew back the duvet, comfort I did not mean to convey,
Quietly, he slid beside me…

And I was fucked, forever more.
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Superman [Mar. 5th, 2009|09:34 am]

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Title: Superman
Warnings/Author's Notes: no beta, Early season three Ben/Michael
And the condom goes to: Drew

[info]xie_xie_xie made this for me from a cap that [info]callie89 did for my birthday.

I watch Ben dancing out of the kitchen sipping from his glass of water. He is beautiful. Every single muscle moves with grace and strength. He’s happy, but for how long? He seemed content with me, with our life. He is everything: strong, spiritual, sexy, wise, kind and gentle. He is my Superman.

He’s convinced that HIV is the poison, it’s not. He injects kryptonite into his sculpted ass. To keep from wasting he’s angry, selfish, mean, violent, and not Ben. He tells me I can’t understand this thing inside him. I do. I must be stronger than Superman.
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Bible Lessons [Mar. 4th, 2009|01:46 pm]

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Title: Bible Lessons
Warnings/Author's Notes: no beta, Drew/Emmett set sometime after Drew can order an alcoholic drink
And the condom goes to: Drew

by the one and only [info]zaipixie

Emmett’s spoon delved into his pudding with a vicious twist. Bits of tapioca landed on my chest as he sputtered obscenities at Kenneth Starr droning on CNN.

“You fucker. My Aunt Lulu should teach you a lesson on the Bible which clearly states love is not angry, vengeful or used to prove a point. Right wing fucktard who needs a change in religion based on a colo-rectal exam...”

“Em, Kenneth Starr couldn’t defeat the Clintons and he will not be able to nullify marriages of queers in California.”

“Drew, he hates….”

“Em, we love, that wins; lick up this pudding.”
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Refactory Period [Mar. 4th, 2009|01:05 pm]

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Title: Refactory Period
Warnings/Author's Notes: [info]vlredreign told me it didn't suck.
And the condom goes to: Drew

by the one and only [info]zaipixie

I watched Brian fucking the trick, his shoulder muscles rippling as he held the trick in place. He asked me about my flight. I smiled watching Brian orgasm.

“Brian, The amount of time it takes for an excitable membrane to be ready for second stimulus once it returns to its resting state following excitation varies. Therefore in order for your dick to perform at optimum you need a refractory period. I want a very good fuck. Your dick does not slide between my cheeks until Debbie has a chance to pinch my other cheeks. Drop me off at the Diner?”
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Road Trip [Oct. 2nd, 2008|03:25 pm]

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Title: Road Trip
Author: [info]firehead30
Beta/Author's Notes:[info]badbadpixie and [info]vlredreign
And the condom goes to: Hunter

I opened the loft door blinking as a plastic bag and a coffee cup was shoved in my face.

“The baggie doesn’t have a condom filled with a murderer’s spunk in it. It’s lemon bars for Blondie. My ass is for exits only now, pussy rules my world.”

Hunter smirked and then his mouth opened and more drivel came out.

“Michael said I had to go to New York with you this moring so that you didn’t fuck the ugly one on the Rage revisions like you did last time. Can I drive?”

“NO, and don’t talk about perverted sex.”
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Weekend Morning [Oct. 2nd, 2008|11:58 am]

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Title: Weekend Mornings
Author: [info]firehead30
Beta/Author's Notes:[info]badbadpixie told me to post, Capitilization and Commas by [info]vlredreign
And the condom goes to: Hunter

Rain pelted on my bedroom window. The dark grey clouds obscured the
morning sun. I rolled over, drawing my comforter around my chin,
dozing off.

The scent of coffee, laughter and a choked whisper crept
through my door, "Shhh, Hunter's asleep, don't make me laugh. No
groping in the kitchen, Ben."

"How much longer before he wakes up?"

"Big Guy, Captain Crunch first, and then groping; Hunter should doze
another 45 minutes."

Weekend morning sounds faded. I knew there would be at least two
bowls worth of Captain Crunch and a cup of coffee in the pot left for
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Let's Go Rim a Twink [Jul. 9th, 2008|04:57 pm]

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Title: Let's Go Rim a Twink
Author [info]firehead30
Warnings/Author's Notes: like I will go into a nunnery now
Enabler [info]vamphile
And the condom goes to: Brian

HUGE love to [info]dirtylttlescret for pointing out that I had posted this in the wrong place. Fangirl honor at its finest.

Gus was on his second viewing of Mary Poppins. Five hours of practically perfect was making my dick permanently placid. Why didn’t he want to watch The Fox and The Hound? That at least had decent homoerotic subtext.

Gus started singing softly and I drifted off, his head tucked under my chin.

Let's go rim a twink
Make him squirm and blink
Let’s go rim a twink
And send him soaring

Up through the anusphere
So that his dick leaks clear
Oh, let's go rim a twink

Oh, fuck no, wrong; not in my brain.

“Gus, Mary Poppins scares Daddy.”
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Football Practice [Jul. 9th, 2008|04:48 pm]

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Title: Football Practice
Author: [info]firehead30
Warnings/Author's Notes: Drew/Emmett
Beta: all of my beta's are writing like good stuff
And the condom goes to: Brian

I watched Emmett walk towards me with that “Drewsie please” look on his face. Emmett didn’t want me to fuck him so hard he limps with the limp of a happy bottom. No, he wants to watch Lana Turner movies

“Drew honey, you are more handsome than Cliff Robertson in Love has Many Faces, but are you buff like Kirk Douglas in The Bad and the Beautiful?

“Emmett, I am a professional football player. I need practice. I am going to rim you 53 licks for each one of her movies, then fuck you till Madam X …”

“Let’s practice.”
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Now I lay me down to sleep [Jul. 9th, 2008|08:55 am]

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Title: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Author [info]firehead30
Warnings/Author's Notes: ummm I rather mutilate a child's prayer
Beta: [info]vlredreign
And the condom goes to: Two to Brian

Brian paced around the loft, swearing. He sat at the computer attempting to work, abruptly calling Gus. They talked for 48 minutes while Gus prattled on: super heroes, JR’s being scared of monsters, and how gross it was watching his moms kiss. Brian ended the conversation with “I love you Sonny Boy, take good care of JR”. He paced, fumed. Called Michael to see how Ben was doing, paid Debbie’s mortgage.

He muttered about Saint Fucking Joan, throwing back yet another glass of Beam, gnashing his teeth on the rim.

“Brian, we need to do an exorcism. Bedroom, now, naked.”

Exorcism )
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What the World Needs Now [Jul. 8th, 2008|09:12 pm]

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Title: What the Word Needs Now
Author: [info]firehead30
Warning/Author's Notes: Debbie, you heard me, Debbie, sings.
Beta: I was too ashamed to ask.
condom: Brian

This is actually a long distance dedication to [info]dirtylttlescret, she knows why.

Babylon was packed with sweating, gyrating bodies. Glitter twinkled down as Debbie took center stage. No, not your average night of beautiful men, but a talent competition fundraiser for the Vic Grassi House.

Debbie tapped the mic.

“I am dedicating this song to my community. But most of all to the little asshole who doesn’t think I understand him.”

“What the world needs now,
is fucking and sucking
What the world needs now,
is cocks in asses,

(Covered in condoms, of course)
No, not just for some but everyone.


Brian quickly wrote a check, shoving it in Deb’s mouth.
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A Truly Operatic Event [Jul. 8th, 2008|08:14 pm]

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Title: A Truly Operatic Event
Author: [info]firehead30
Warning/Author's notes: ummm Cynthia-Theodore-Brian....with a tiny implied hint of Teddy/Blake
Beta: [info]vlredreign
condom: Brian

Cynthia stormed into my office, slapping down a first class E-ticket to Tokyo.

“Either His Royal Prickness fucks Justin, soon, or I am going on vacation, NOW. I told him to go fuck himself, but apparently the hand of the master isn’t what it used to be.”

“Yes, I know he’s distracted, a little irritable…”

“He accepted the slogan “Got Breastmilk.”

I went to Brian’s office, cursing Justin’s show in Japan.

“Hey Bri, last night while I was rimming Blake he moaned Puccini. Tonight I thought I would lick him until he whimpered Pavarotti.”

Brian took the ticket.

“Sayonara, Theodore.”
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I can't fight this feeling anymore [Jul. 7th, 2008|03:11 pm]

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Ok, um, well, this came out of a conversation with [info]dirtylttlescrt. I told her I can't write Ben and Michael Porn any more than I can write Brian and Justin porn. I told her that my porn sounds like bad stereo instructions for the Kama Sutra....and then she thought I should play REO Speedwagon and see if that helps...and this is what I came up with. She told me to make a drabble out of it and so I did. Blame her.

Title: I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore
Author: [info]firehead30
Warnings/Author's Notes: song!fic
Beta: Are you kidding? No way would I ask anyone to beta this.
And the condom goes to: Brian
*runs away quickly*

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for

Michael put his hand on Ben's dick, "WOW, that's hard. What are you going to do to me with that?"

Ben replied, "Well, Michael, I am glad you asked. I think we should explore Splitting the Bamboo before utilizing Pair of Tongs and segueing into Suspended Congress; finding ultimate pleasure in Congress of the Crow."

Michael looked at Ben, shrugged and stated, "Big Guy, rim me, ram me, tie me up and fuck me good, but otherwise, shut up."

Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore
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What Do You Want? [Jul. 7th, 2008|12:29 pm]

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Title: What Do You Want?
Author [info]firehead30
Warnings/Author's Notes: Ben/Michael, I don't think it is too graphic.
And the condom goes to: Brian, who else would Micheal give it to?

I love dancing with Michael. He is always a bit awkward, not quite catching my rhythm. If I am patient, he finds me. He knows what he wants; just unsure. He relaxes; his back against my chest, his right arm curls behind my neck. Michael stops thinking. His ass presses into me. He lets me guide him unconsciously

"What do you want, Michael?"

He blushes, pulling away. I bring him back against me whispering that I can't wait to go home. I want to raise his legs up over his head and bury my tongue inside his ass.

"Let's fuck."
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Rapture [Jul. 5th, 2008|06:42 pm]

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Title: Rapture
Author [info]firehead30
Warnings/Author's Notes:ummm really Bad....[info]vlredreign and I may have to go into hiding
And the condom goes to: Brian
beta: [info]vlredreign

Tears filled the gold flecked hazel orbs and the Big Lug gazed lovingly down upon the blushing bottom spread for his delectation.

He wanted to remember this moment, carry it with him always. The Ad Exec knew he would never find another rosebud that would ever taste the same.

The beautiful blond's chest heaved with impassioned breath as he felt the rasp of the tongue across his most intimate opening, owning him forevermore. His small hips twitched with virginal shyness as the velvet-incased manhood breached the first ring of muscle.

The lovers sighed as their souls entwined for eternity. Rapture.
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Do You Like to Eat My Ass [Jul. 5th, 2008|10:57 am]

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[info]xie_xie_xie demanded whined and moaned rimming drabbles. I thought it best to do as she asked.

Title: Do You Like to Eat My Ass
Author: [info]firehead30
Warnings/Author's Notes: I apologize for this in advance. Yes I have desecrated Dr Seuss and Green Eggs and Ham. I am ashamed. I will enter the bad!fangirl hiding program.
And the condom goes to: Brian
Beta: [info]badbadpixie partner in crime

Do you like to eat my ass

Would you rim me in the shower
Or does my ass need to smell like a flower?
Could you, would you lick me at the baths?
While everyone strokes their staffs.

I do, I do like to eat your ass!
I would rim you in the shower.
While you moan, your anus flowers!

I could, I would lick you at the baths.
While losers beat their staffs.

Do you like to tongue my anal ring?
Or do you want to slap my ass until is stings?


"Wake up Justin. That’s the last time you read Dr Seuss to Gus."
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Begging, in two parts [Jul. 3rd, 2008|04:37 pm]

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Title: Begging, in two parts
Author: [info]firehead30
Warnings/Author's Notes: Be gentle, I have never drabbled before. Blame [info]badbadpixie .
Pairing Mel/Linds
And the condom goes to: two condoms to Brian.
Betas: [info]badbadpixie for hand holding and [info]vlredreign for telling lying to me I didn't suck.

Begging )
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