Queer as Folk Drabbles [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Challenge #83: Toppy!justin [Sep. 14th, 2008|11:48 am]
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Title: Their Way
Author: absolutefiction
A/N: Eeee Hee. I am very excited that I wrote something!
Condom: Brian

Brian liked bottoming, but lived for topping, so it took a backseat, so to speak. It was not until he rolled over for Justin that he learned how it felt when done right. And then he loved it.

Justin would nudge Brian’s shoulder or hip to signal. Or would maneuver his legs around Brian to flip him forcibly, however gentle. It was often wordless. And however rare it remained, it was now familiar. Beginning with a telling look from Justin that Brian had come to recognize.

Whether Brian had cultivated a look of his own that asked, only Justin knew.
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Challenge # 81: Condoms [Aug. 29th, 2008|08:25 pm]
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[Current Location |Pittsburgh ]
[mood |good]
[music |Soundtrack References]

Title: Neither Rings Nor Vows
Author: absolutefiction
Condoms: Drew

Justin enters Brian’s loft, shucking off his coat, snickering at the pile of condom packets on the kitchen counter, loud enough for Brian to hear (who still doesn’t look up from the computer).

Justin opens the fridge and sighs; there’s no food, only bottles.

“Poppers and Rubbers and Beers,” he muses aloud.

“And Justin.” Brian says, clicking the mouse.

“You noticed.”

“These are a few of my favorite things.” Brian says, tongue-literally-in-cheek, finally looking over.

“I told you it’d be this weekend.” Justin says, moving toward him, kneeling, pressing his palm against the growing bulge beneath Brian’s designer jeans...
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Challenge #73: Rimming [Jul. 9th, 2008|04:20 pm]
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[Current Location |bed!]
[mood |done!]

Author: absolutefiction
Title: Brian Wants Justin To Win
Condom: JUSTIN

“I thought you had work to do.”

“Yeah, well, I can’t let you lose, again, now can I? What kind of partner would I be, if I did?”

“The kind who always – mrpphngh – has to be – oh – on top, the one in – charge – huhhngh – the kind – you – are.”

“Can’t you see I’m doing this for your own good?”

Brian went back to rimming Justin.

“Brian, just – yeah, right, oh, there mrphhhh.”

He giggled around his tongue that was stuffed into Justin’s asshole, because he really enjoyed making Justin win. He really, really did.
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Challenge #73: Rimming [Jul. 9th, 2008|03:56 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |Phew, back at the loft]
[mood |!!]

Title: Mad Dash
Author: abslolutefiction
Condom: JUSTIN fer God's sake!

Brian stretched out his long bare feet on his designer Italian coffee table and downed another double shot of bourbon. He snickered and raised another filled glass in the direction of Justin, who was laid out naked, tied-down face-first on Brian’s brand new, yet horribly filthy, blue designer sheets, “Keep up the hard work, sonny boy.”

He just watched while fangirl after fangirl poked, prodded, RIMMED, fucked, sucked, and teased with tongues, fingers, dildos and cocks up Justin Taylor's asshole in a desperate last minute attempt to help Justin FINALLY come out on top. Justin’s response was merely a pathetic whimper.
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Challenge #73: Rimming [Jul. 9th, 2008|03:35 pm]
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[Current Location |HELL]
[mood |HURRIED]

Title: Ew!
Author: Absolutefiction
Condom: Justin!!!!!!
A/N: One run on sentence of a drabble

Justin liked giving Ethan head—not more than he loved giving Brian head, but it was different, because he loved knowing that, not only had Ethan never gotten head this good before, but Ethan never knew head this good could even happen, which is how he came up with the bad idea of eating Ethan’s ass just as good as he eats Ethan’s cock, so he did, but just when he got started, Ethan said, “What are you doing there?” to which Justin answered, “Eating your ass,” which is when Ethan replied, “Ew, gross,” which is why it never happened again.
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Challenge #73: Rimming [Jul. 9th, 2008|02:50 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |Ethan's Place :/]
[mood |rushed!]

Title: Justin Gathered Some Stuff and Overlooked Other Stuff
Author: absolutefiction
A/N: B/J I Swear! WARNINGs: ETHAN, No beta
Condom: JUSTIN

Justin arrived to pick up his things at the shit-hole he once found cool. Ethan was standing at the window, holding his violin. Images of that first rim-job Brian gave him flashed through Justin's mind. The physical memory pulsed through his body like a wave, beginning in his ass and crash-landing in his knees. Justin felt sorry for Ethan. He never felt sorry for Brian--thankfully, finally over him, though. Then, last night’s memory distracted him; Brian getting head, eyes locked on Justin while Justin fucked that bottom. He shook his head, getting back to task, barely noticing Ethan watching.
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Series of Five Drabbles B/J [Jul. 8th, 2008|01:09 am]
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[Current Location |Brian's Loft]
[mood |rimmy ]

Author: [info]absolutefiction
Title: Sucking and Fucking
A/N: A series of six related drabbles. Not beta'd, although it probably should be. </edit> I meant to add that I lifted some quotes, paraphrasing the show for fun. :)

Parts One through Five

Brian’s eating-out Justin’s ass, slow and excruciatingly soft; like the first time he did it. This is punishment, now that he’s brought Justin back to the loft, where their relationship’s ghost has been spooking him relentlessly. Justin’s here, after throwing himself supine across Brian’s desk at Vangard, where there's never been a ghost—although now, there’s the chance there could be, if Justin fucks it all up again. They had it good…until he came along, telling lies where Brian offered truth; cold, hard necessities he has never stopped giving. He’d like to bury himself in Justin to hide from the illusions.

With calculated restraint... )
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Challenge # 73: Rimming [Jul. 3rd, 2008|09:06 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |Brian's Loft]
[mood |first-time-posting-ish]

Title: Words Are Just Words, but Rimming Is Sex
Author: [info]absolutefiction
Condom: Justin

There are so many delicious places to taste on Justin; for instance, the dimple that interrupts the smoothness of Justin’s bottom lip (the one that, so often, makes Brian weak in the knees to see him bite, especially when they are fighting). Or perhaps, Brian could touch a pointed tongue along the salty crease where hard-skull and tender-ear meet. Brian would be close enough to whisper—


Brain strips Justin; pushes him onto his naked belly; spreads Justin’s round ass-cheeks, exposing the flexing hole, and finally penetrates it with a forceful tongue by fiercely moving in and out of it.
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