Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 4th, 2008

Challenge #94: Dialog [Dec. 4th, 2008|10:05 am]
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Title: Super Cool
Author: [info]jule1122
Condoms: 2 to Vic

“Dad, why can’t you be cool like Uncle Mikey?”

“How am I not as cool as Uncle Mikey?”

“He has the comic store, and you just go to a boring office all day.”

“My office isn’t boring. What about all that free stuff I send you?”

“It’s nice, but Uncle Mikey sends me the new comic books before they go on sale, and all my friends think that’s super cool.”

“Super cool, I’ll show you super cool. Your uncle might sell comic books, but your father is a comic book hero. I have my own comic book. That’s super cool.”

Part II )
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*Challenge #94: Dialog* [Dec. 4th, 2008|03:42 pm]
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Title: Annoying Twat
Notes: It hurt my heart that no drabbles were posted last week, so I had to write one today. I see that the awesome [info]jule1122 did the same...yay! A huge thanks to [info]happier_bunny for her beta.
And the condom goes to: Vic (that one was a hard decision. Cynthia is so cool, but so is Vic)

“How long can we stay?”

“As long as you want.”

“I still can’t believe we own it.”

“You own it. I bought it for you.”

“It’s nuts!”

“It’s worth it.”

“Brian? I love you.”

“I know.”

“Smartass. You’re supposed to start constantly telling me how much you love me. Give me a special nickname.”

“I’ll start telling you as soon as I finish painting the baby’s room. Besides, you already have a nickname.”

“Darling? Sweetface? Oh, I know! Baby!”

“Annoying twat.”

“So sweet. Admit it. You wouldn’t want me any other way.”

“You’re right.”

“And you love me.”

“I do.”
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