Queer as Folk Drabbles - November 13th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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November 13th, 2008

Challenge #91: Blue Lights [Nov. 13th, 2008|09:52 pm]


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Title: Heaven
Author: britin1729
Condom: Debbie

Sometimes you think there's something almost magical about getting lost inside pounding music, bodies moving rhythmically all around you, shutting out the world and encasing yourself in this haven.

Everywhere you look, there's glitter and flashing blue lights, playing on the walls and dancing across the skin of the mass giving themselves to the music.

And later, when you're back at home under a different set of blue lights, it's another kind of magic. It's the feel of his body over yours, locked in a different kind of dance, a different rhythm. It's more than just a haven—it's heaven.

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Challenge #91: Blue Lights [Nov. 13th, 2008|10:20 pm]


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Title: Changes
Author: britin1729
Timeline: 309
Condom: Deb

If I'd looked up, I would've seen his face, twisted in pleasure, bathed in orange. But I was enjoying too much the feeling of having him like this again. Open and insatiable and mine. Swallowing around his cock and hearing the gratifying gasp of delight above me. Kissing him. Touching him. Loving him.

I'd missed this so much.

Things had changed. A year ago, he wouldn't have told me the blow job was hot. He would've been basking in blue lights instead of orange...a year ago, I would've missed all the signs that told me he'd missed me, too.

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