Queer as Folk Drabbles - October 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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October 24th, 2008

Challenge #89: Coffee [Oct. 24th, 2008|11:16 pm]
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Title: Health Kick
Author: starinthesky
Notes: This is my first drabble, so any and all feedback would be lovely :D
And the condom goes to: Ted

“What the FUCK! TED!”

Ted looked up from his desk and paled, as an angry voice reverberated across the office. He knew he shouldn’t have done it, but Blake was such a bad influence.

“Ted, feel like taking a long and unoxygenated swim in the Monongahela?” Brian said in a deceptively calm voice, striding into Ted’s office.

“Hi, Brian, it uh, really is better for you...” Ted stuttered out.

“Go get me a venti triple non-fat latte and everyone else what they want too,” Brian interrupted. “Oh, and Ted? Next time you replace all the coffee with decaffeinated, you’re fired.”
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