Queer as Folk Drabbles - August 13th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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August 13th, 2008

Challenge #79: Rain [Aug. 13th, 2008|10:11 pm]


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Title: Just the Rain
Author: Xie
Timeline: Early S2
Condom: Melanie

I watched the rain coming down on the piled up plastic bags near the dumpster. I huddled under the tiny overhang, trying to stay dry.

I'd felt my fucked-up hand start to shake, and set the coffee pot down in time.

"What's wrong with your hand?" The guy was concerned. I wanted to dump the coffee all over his head. I thought getting some air in the alley was a better idea.

"Hey, busboy." Brian touched my face with his finger.

"It's just the rain," I told him.

He tugged me against him. "I know."

We stood watching it fall.
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Challenge #78 CLOSED//Challenge #79: Rain [Aug. 13th, 2008|11:55 pm]


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Challenge #78 is now closed, everyone! It was a quiet week, with ALL the condoms going to everybody's favorite PFLAG mom, Debbie!


Challenge #79: Rain

Be inspired, or use it in the drabble.

This week's challenger against Debbie will be Melanie! Who will win this week? Will it be the red-wigged mom of Liberty Ave, or the feminist power lesbian with a law degree? Only YOU can choose!
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