Queer as Folk Drabbles - July 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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July 23rd, 2008

Challenge #75 CLOSED//Challenge #76: And the Ending Is... [Jul. 23rd, 2008|10:45 pm]


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Hi guys! Challenge #75 is now closed! Thanks for all the great drabbles!

The condom count up is as follows:

Debbie with 6, and our winner, Justin with 9! Yay Justin! To be fair, he'll probably need them a bit more than Deb.

Because Justin has won the last three weeks in a row, he's going to be retired for this week's challenge. Instead, Debbie with move up to challenger, to face... Ben!


Challenge #76: And the Ending Is...

For this challenge, every drabble MUST end in the words "which was perfectly true." It can be about anything you'd like, as long at the last four words are that phrase.

Have fun, everybody, and don't forget, the challengers this week are Debbie & Ben!

(Sorry for the lack of images.... my connection is being weird tonight.)
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