Queer as Folk Drabbles - June 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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June 18th, 2008

[Jun. 18th, 2008|01:41 am]


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Title: Boredom
Author: [info]dirtylttlescret
A/N: Gakked from a conversation between [info]outlander and myself
Condom: Cynthia

“Oh my god, it’s been twelve years since we got here,” moaned Emmett.

“It’s only been an hour,” whispered Ted. “Now shush, they’re announcing Moral Lesbian Mother of the Year.”

Emmett groaned. Outstanding Gay Hero was still fourteen awards away, and the beige walls of the room were making his eyes hurt. Brian was nowhere to be found.

“Pst,” he said, tapping Ted on the arm. Ted swatted him away. “I said pst,” Emmett said louder.


“Wanna play Penis Hangman with me?” he asked, pushing him a pen and the program.

Ted laughed. “Alright fine. But I go first.”
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*Challenge #70, best friends* [Jun. 18th, 2008|12:00 pm]
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Title: Truth Blown Gutter
Notes: Thank you to the lovely [info]besamislabios for the beta. *smooches* The title comes courtesy of Beck's Nausea, which came to mind whilst writing this. It works for me...
And the condom goes to: Brian Kinney

More puking, more pain. More treatment. It’s becoming routine and that makes it even more loathsome.

You burrow into bed, trying to relax before the next bout of nausea sends you dry-heaving to the bathroom. You think about Michael, Justin. The two best friends you’ve ever had, ever will have. You can’t stop thinking about them, no matter how much it hurts.

So you mock them in your mind instead. Picture them sitting around crying and gnashing their teeth. Agonizing because they’ll never survive without you, their beloved Rage. You don’t feel better. And the nausea boils through you.
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Challenge #70: Best Friends [Jun. 18th, 2008|01:01 pm]


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[mood |calm]

Title: Unforgiven
Author: [info]vl_redreign
Timeline: 507

Condom: Cynthia, cause Brian was a shit.

Beta: [info]firehead30 and [info]badbadpixie approve of this drabble.

Michael used to think that he and Brian would be friends forever. That nothing would ever truly separate them. Not even outing him to Tracy four years ago was unforgivable.

But this was.

Michael had listened ad nauseum as Brian belittled his choices, his marriage and his life. He was used to it, because Brian always belittled that which he didn’t understand.

What was unforgivable was not that Brian had come to his house, drunk and screaming.

It was the fact that after Brian left, Michael was in Hunter’s old room, comforting Justin, trying to repair Brian’s damage. As always.
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[Jun. 18th, 2008|02:09 pm]


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Title: How Gus Came to Be
Author: [info]dirtylttlescret
Condom: Cynthia though I really feel guilty about it!

Empty wine bottles litter the floor of the loft, while two roaches sit spent in the ashtray. Brian’s too wasted to notice that Lindsay stopped about three glasses back.


He’s still laughing about Judy Pickerstein throwing up all over her open toed shoes at the Kappa spring formal.

“You know Mel and I have been thinking about having a baby…”

“The whole fucking diner knows thanks to Deb.”

“I want you to be the father,” she asks softly.

Brian cocks an eyebrow. There’s nothing but silence for a minute, then he smiles, pulling her closer.

“Anything for you, Wendy.”
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*Challenge #70, best friends* [Jun. 18th, 2008|03:36 pm]
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Title: I Know What You Need
Notes: I'm not sure if this counts for the challenge, but I used the words "best friend," so maybe? *hopes* [info]besamislabios beta'd it for me. AND...she came up with the idea, but made me write it. ;-)
And the condom goes to: Brian

“Michael? Did you hear me?”

Michael blinked and looked blankly at Ben.


“You haven’t heard anything I’ve said,” Ben complained.

“Sorry. But -- Ma had no right to --”

“Michael. Enough. Let it go.”

“But! Brian’s my best friend, and if I think he should know --”

Ben cut him off with a kiss.

“I know what will help.”

“You do?” Michael’s eyes lit up.

Ben began tickling him.

“Stop! Tell me what I need to do!” Michael gasped between giggles.

“You need a good laugh and then a good fuck.”

Michael kissed Ben lovingly.

“You are a brilliant man, Professor Bruckner.”
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Challenge #70: Best Friends [Jun. 18th, 2008|06:58 pm]


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[mood |creative]

Title: Old Friend, New Friend
Author: [info]vl_redreign
Timeline: post-513

Condom: Brian

A/N: Thanks, Bunny, for cutting out the extra words!

Laying in bed with the blond, he thought about his life.

For so long, he thought he knew what path his life would take. He’d planned each part of it meticulously. College, career, possibly owning his own business.

He’d once flown so high, only to crash and lose everything.

A helping hand came when he’d needed it, and his future was once again bright.

The blond murmured in his sleep.

Who’d have thought that the man he’d been looking had been there all along?

Someone who enjoyed opera, cooking, and cuddling after a long day.

Ted was a lucky man.
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Community Announcement [Jun. 18th, 2008|09:17 pm]
[mood |tired]
[music |Jon and Kate plus 8]

* Announcing a new twist for [info]qaf_drabbles and the battle for the condoms *

Beginning with challenge #71 there will be a “Three Wins and You're Taking a Break" rule.

What does that mean, you might ask. Well, when a character wins three weeks in a row, they get to sit out for the next week. On the fourth week, two new characters will be chosen randomly and the battle begins anew.

Questions or comments about the new twist? Ask away! We don't bite ;)
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Challenge #70: best friends [Jun. 18th, 2008|09:25 pm]
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Title: I'll be there for you
Author: Pinkfriction
WARNING: Very angsty
Condom: Cynthia

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Challenge #70: Closed // Challenge #71: PRIDE [Jun. 18th, 2008|10:57 pm]


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[mood |happy]

Challenge #70 is officially closed.
Thank you to all the drabbles! ~blows kisses~

WOW this was a close battle. Cynthia had 8 condoms but Brian had 9 and therefore wins by ONE.

Challenge #71: PRIDE (in celebration of PRIDE month)

I hope this one inspires you guys!

This weeks Condom Battle: Brian -vs- Michael (you can only award your condom to one of them)
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*Challenge #71, Pride* [Jun. 18th, 2008|11:38 pm]
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Title: No Arguments
Notes: Thanks to [info]outlander for the beta and inspiration *and* for waiting patiently while I rattled this off! *hugs*
And the condom goes to: Brian of course!

“No parade this year. I was bored unstiff last year.”

“But I want to...I love the Pride parade! And I wanna see the Indigo Girls.”

“At a dyke bar? The place will be crawling with munchers.” Brian shivered for emphasis.

“Then I’ll just go with Daphne. She loves lesbians,” said Justin.

“Her only flaw if you ask me,” Brian shot back. “Fine, go to the parade and see your girly band.”

“That’s it? No arguments?”

“No, I’ll just cry in my beer at Woody’s, waiting for you to come back to me.”

“You’re warped.”

“It’s why you love me.”
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