Queer as Folk Drabbles - May 18th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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May 18th, 2008

challenge #66 Dictionary [May. 18th, 2008|09:20 am]
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Title: New Word
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Novotny-Bruckner family & JR
Timeline: A few months post Season 5
Random Words: Shake, Hang, All
Condom: Michael

The phone rang as they all watched TV. Hunter sighed, realizing he was going to have to be the one to answer it. Michael was snuggled up next to Ben and showed no intention of moving.
“Hello…yeah sure”
”Michael it’s for you” He called. He saw Michael shake his head in annoyance at having to move.
“It’s Mel”
“Hey Mel….how’s JR?”
“She’s great and she learnt a new word today”
“She did….what was it?”
“Hang on…she can tell you herself”
He could hear Mel saying something to JR, then giggles at the end of the phone.
“Hey Honeybun”
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challenge #66 Dictionary [May. 18th, 2008|11:24 pm]
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Title: Running Late
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Ted/Blake
Timeline: Post Season 5
Random Words: Room, Street, Brown
Condom: Ted

Blake hurried along the street brushing the light dusting of snow from his brown leather jacket. He was late and cursed himself for allowing that to happen.
Ted would be watching out for him as he stood in front of the meeting and shared and he didn’t like letting him down. He would understand; he always did. He was so proud of him, and he should tell him that more often. He opened the door and his eyes met Ted’s at the other end of the room and he could feel himself wrapped in the love that shone from them.
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