Queer as Folk Drabbles - May 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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May 16th, 2008

What happened to challenge 65? [May. 16th, 2008|12:34 am]


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Title: Tongues
Author: dirtylttlescret
Rating: NC-17 kids!
A/N: Tweedy dared me to write a drabble using my Portuguese dictionary. I barely speak it anymore and even when I did, I had no fucking clue how to write grammatically correct sentences. So if my translation is off, screw me.
ETA: Thanks to [info]sra_black for the help with the Portuguese edit!
And the three words were: naturalidade, insuperavel, and apodarse (naturalness, insurmountable, and to take possession of)
Condom: Justin

Tongues )
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challenge #66 - Dictionary [May. 16th, 2008|01:21 pm]
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Title: Grumpy Hunter
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
A/N: Random words: Slave, Salt, Bed
Condom: Michael

“Hunter you finished your chores yet?” Michel walked into the kitchen laden with groceries.


“Good. After you’ve unpacked these you can make me a coffee then help rake the yard.”

“What the fuck am I slave labor?”

“No. You’re a smart ass kid who lies in bed till noon!”

Hunter scowled at Michael’s retreating figure, thoughts of his longed for bed disappearing rapidly.

He flicked on the coffee machine, pouring the coffee when Michael returned.

“Here ya go”


Michael took a sip and spluttered.

“What the fucks in this?”

“Ooooppssss. Must have mixed up the salt and sugar.”
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challenge #66 Dictionary [May. 16th, 2008|06:44 pm]
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Title: Safe And Sound
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Random Words: Dream, Mumble, Tell
Condom: Michael

I woke suddenly, my dream still vivid in my mind and reached out to Ben to tell him about it but the bed was empty. I mumbled his name before snuggling deeper under the covers, wishing he was next to me, his body wrapped around mine, giving me his warmth.
I dozed off again, the dream seemingly taking off from the last point and I woke cold, shivering and scared moments later.

“Bad dream baby?”

His voice startled me. I nodded, nestling into the safety of his arms, the visions of a house devoid of his presence leaving me instantly
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challenge #66 - Dictionary [May. 16th, 2008|07:33 pm]
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Title: Mine
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Brian and Justin
Random Words: Lock, Page, Sit
A/N: Seeing I write so many drabbles never know when to shut up I thought I would put the pairings in my headings. Hope thats ok.
Condom: Brian

I lay next to you; your sleeping form wrapped in mine. A lock of hair falls over your face, you stir, brushing it off and I kiss you.

I walk next to you; your hand clasped in mine. You look up at me, your smile bringing sunshine to the darkest of days and I kiss you.

I sit next to you; your body nestled into mine. You draw, pencil flying over the page, bringing life to characters yet to be named and I kiss you.

I watch you. I hear you. I need you. I crave you. I love you.
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