Queer as Folk Drabbles - May 15th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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May 15th, 2008

Challenge #65 Closed// #66 Dictionary [May. 15th, 2008|11:54 am]
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[mood |contemplative]

Challenge #65 is now officially closed!

Brian 4
Justin 2
Ted 1
Debbie 1
Mel 1
Lindsay 1

and the winner is Michael with 8 condoms michael Photobucket

Since I'm filling in today and wasn't really prepared with a prompt I went to a previous post to get some ideas. I've combined two suggestions from [info]testdog65 and [info]flashfly - open the dictionary, pick three random words and write a drabble using those words.

Challenge #66: Dictionary

Have fun!
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