Queer as Folk Drabbles - May 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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May 6th, 2008

challenge #63 - Hair Porn [May. 6th, 2008|02:52 pm]
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Title: Haircut
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael
A/N: For [info]jule1122 because she loves Ben's season 5 hair :)

I walked up behind Ben, wrapping my arms around him.

“I need a haircut!”

“The hell you do!” I ran my fingers through his hair. “If you so much as snip off one strand they’ll be no sex for a month!”

He grinned before picking me up, carrying me to the bed. I giggled as he dropped me onto it, covering my body with his.

I pulled at his pants, dragging them off and worked my way down the bed, kissing his exposed skin.

“Ok, you win!”

I smiled as I reached for a condom, rolling it onto his cock.
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*Not for challenge* [May. 6th, 2008|11:07 pm]


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[mood |busy]

Another drabble written while I was supposed to be studying that I hope you enjoy!

Title: Ab-solute Vanity
Author: dirtylttlescret
Timeline: Post 513
Rating: PG

“Whoa, back up. You’re where?”

“In the fucking hospital. They won’t let me leave,” Brian growls into the other end of the line. “Appendicitis or some shit.”

“That’s really serious,” says Justin. “Daphne’s appendix burst when she was in eighth grade and nearly died from the infection.”

“I’m not letting them hack a second belly-button into my stomach.”

Justin stifles a laugh and reminds himself to enlighten his partner on the miracles of fiber-optic surgery on his way out the door.

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes. And Brian?”


“Let the doctors do the fucking surgery.”
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