Queer as Folk Drabbles - April 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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April 10th, 2008

Challenge #60-Leather [Apr. 10th, 2008|09:48 am]
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Author: [info]jule1122
Timeline: Post Season 5
Condom: Ted
Note: This is for [info]flashfly and [info]xie_xie_xie

“Sorry I’m late, Brian. Moving is hell.” When Ted dropped his briefcase, it popped open spilling half the contents.

Brian eyed the assortment of files and random household items with distaste until he noticed the strip of studded black leather. Too small for a collar, large for what Brian envisioned, but not the biggest he’d seen.

“Theodore, I know that’s not yours so it must be Blake’s. You’re one lucky boy.” Brian stroked his finger over the leather and smiled suggestively.

“Brian!” Scandalized, Ted snatched the leather back and clutched it protectively. “It’s not a cock ring. It’s Lupe’s collar.”
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Challenge #60 - Leather [Apr. 10th, 2008|10:46 am]
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Title: Unmistakable
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Future
Condom: Michael

I sorted through the closet for a clean shirt.
My hand came to rest on something unfamiliar. I pulled it out, my eyes blurring as I walked to the bed, sinking onto it.
I brought it to my face, inhaling the smell of leather mixed with the lingering but unmistakable scent of Ben.
He had been wearing it the first time I ever saw him.
Somehow, or perhaps sub-consciously, I must have missed it on that day I had sorted through his things.
I lay down, wrapping it around myself.
Another part of him that he had left for me
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My first QaF drabble: Just Shoes [Apr. 10th, 2008|01:13 pm]
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Hi Everyone! Sorry I'm late to the party, but I only discovered QaF recently. (And I'm so glad I did!)

Title: Just Shoes
Author: mysid
Timline: post-the inevitable reunion post-513
Prompt: leather
Condom: Brian

Justin carefully held the palette far enough to one side that he wouldn't get paint either on himself or on Brian while they kissed hello. He didn't account for the palette knife slipping off and hitting the floor with a clatter.

"Oh shit! I'm really sorry," Justin said as he dropped down on one knee to wipe the spatter of bright blue off Brian's Prada loafers. The paint wiped off the highly polished leather with ease, but the stitching threatened to become a permanent cerulean accent.

"Don't worry about it. They're just shoes. But as long as you're down there…."
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Challenge #60 - Leather [Apr. 10th, 2008|03:09 pm]
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Title: Scared
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Hunter's past
Condom: Ben

He struggled with the ties that tightly bound his ankles and wrists. The leather was cutting into his skin, red welts beginning to appear.

He knew he shouldn’t have gotten into the car. Something in the guys eyes making him hesitate before the overwhelming need for food and money took over.

The room was cold and damp. He tried to ignore the scuttling coming from the corners.

The door flew open, a large form filling it, something glistening in its hand. He screamed as it moved towards him.

“Hunter……wake up!”

Ben’s voice brought him back to the present and safety.
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Challenge #60 - Leather [Apr. 10th, 2008|05:29 pm]
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Title: Long and Hard
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Warnings: sexual content
Condom: Michael

The leather ties held Michael firmly to the headboard. Ben had placed a pillow between his body and the cold wood and he rubbed his cock against it trying to get some relief as Ben’s hands explored his body.


“Please what baby?”

The teasing note in his voice did nothing for Michael’s need to be fucked. He turned his head, eyes pleading.

Ben grinned, reaching for a condom. He guided himself slowly into Michael’s tight little ass and proceeded to fuck his husband hard and long.

Next morning was spent fixing the dent from the headboard in the wall.
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Challenge #60 - Leather [Apr. 10th, 2008|06:51 pm]
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Title: Furniture Shopping
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Early season 5
Condom: Michael

They wandered hand in hand through the furniture store, Hunter lagging behind, grumbling about being dragged shopping.
“How about this one?” Michael suggested, pulling Ben to a halt in front of a brightly colored suite.
“That’s fucking disgusting!” Hunter scowled.
“Hey…watch your mouth…and what’s wrong with it!”
“Apart from the fact it looks like something your Mother would have, absolutely nothing!” Hunter smirked.
“Stop it you two!” Ben said, trying not to laugh.
They glared at him.
“I like that one!” Ben said, pointing across the store.
He lent in, whispering to Michael.
“Ever been fucked on cold leather baby?”
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challenge #60 - Leather [Apr. 10th, 2008|07:50 pm]
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Title: Sling
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael

Ben eyed the large box Michael had thrown in the corner of their bedroom.

He chuckled as he remembered the look on his husband’s face when he had opened Brian’s housewarming gift.

A fucking leather sling!

He had raged about it all night until Ben finally told him to let it go. What else did he expect from Brian.

He’d huffed and finally shut up.

Ben picked up the box, laying it on the bed, a small smile crossing his lips.

When Michael walked into the bedroom that night he wondered why on earth there were hooks on the ceiling.
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