Queer as Folk Drabbles - April 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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April 1st, 2008

challenge #58 chairs [Apr. 1st, 2008|07:54 am]
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Title: Lost Too Soon (Parts 1 - 5)
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Future about 30 years
A/N: Written after a comment by [info]jule1122
Warnings: death references
Condoms: 3 to Ben

Lost Too Soon )
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|04:07 pm]
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Title: Lost Too Soon (Parts 6 - 8)
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Future about 30 years
A/N: Written after a comment by [info]jule1122
Warnings: death references
Condoms: 2 to Ben

Parts 6 - 8 )
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*Not for the Challenge* [Apr. 1st, 2008|05:10 pm]
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Since I've found out blowjob is ONE WORD, I had to change that and add another word. I'm guessing no one but me will notice.

Title: Not Enough
Notes: I've been in a funk and this stuff keeps drabbling out of me. Sorry. Not beta'd and it doesn't fit the challenge.

I shouldn’t want more. Everyone’s always told me not to expect anything.

But they weren’t there when he sat up with me night after night, watching Yellow Submarine, then rubbing my hand while I cried about the fucking mess my life had become.

They don’t seem to notice he looks out for me away from the loft. He thinks I don’t even realize it, but I do.

They don’t know that he asks about my classes, projects...if I’m hungry, if I need a blowjob or toothpaste...

He gives me so much. And I don’t know why it’s not enough.
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|05:25 pm]
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Title: Lost Too Soon (Parts 9 - 11)
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Future about 30 years
A/N: Written after a comment by [info]jule1122
Warnings: death references
Condoms: 2 to Ben

Parts 9 - 11 )
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Challenge #58 Chairs [Apr. 1st, 2008|07:57 pm]
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Title: Lost Too Soon (Parts 12 -END)
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Future about 30 years
A/N: Written after a comment by [info]jule1122
Warnings: death references
Condoms: None

Parts 12 - END )
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|08:32 pm]
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Title: A Day in the Life of the Brian Kinney Chairs
Author: positive_pat
Time Line: Years After 513 & B/J are together
Drabble: 6 Parts ( this is part 4)
Condom: Brian

Brian could feel the hardness of Justin's cock bulging in his tight jeans as he ran his hand across the bulge.

“Now another trip Sunshine. Remember the Barcelona chair, the one we donated to the Hospice?”

“Yes,” Justin smiled.

“Remember the fucking and sucking we had on that chair all day before we donated it to a good cause?

“Oh yea, Brian it was so hot and such a good cause,” Justin moaned as he moved under Brian's expert hand.

“You withheld sex for 24 hours to force me to donate the chair, it had to be hot sex.”


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[Apr. 1st, 2008|08:55 pm]
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Title: A Day in the Life of the Brian Kinney Chairs
Author: positive_pat
Time Line: Years after 513 & B/J are together
Drabble: 6 Parts (this is part 5)
Condom: Brian

Brian moves his hand slowly again over Justin's throbbing crotch as he whispers in Justin's ear, “we are going down memory lane again.”

Justin moans and smiles but suddenly Brian stops and pulls his hand away. “What's wrong?” Justin asks, opening his eyes and sitting up on the sofa next to Brian.


“Bullshit Brian, it is something what is it?”

Brian's thoughts were of the scarf and the chair and how he might have missed all these years had things gone bad that night.

“I was afraid of growing old.”

“You will always be young to me Brian Kinney.”

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[Apr. 1st, 2008|09:53 pm]
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Title: A Day in the Life of the Brian Kinney Chairs
Author: positive_pat
Time Line: Years after 513 & B/J are together
Drabble: 6 Parts (this is part 6)
Condom: Brian

Justin stretched out on the sofa as he grabbed Brian's hand and placed it on his hard crotch. “Continue,” he demanded as he closed his eyes.

Suddenly Justin jumped up and grabbed the catalog. “You realize all those chair memories were made at the loft.”

“Don't worry Sunshine we have memories christening all the rooms of Britin.”

Justin frowned. “We have to buy a new chair for a new memory.”

Dragging Justin down the hall, Brian yelled “Fuck a new chair there are plenty in Britin.”

The End
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