Queer as Folk Drabbles - March 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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March 14th, 2008

challenge #56: friends [Mar. 14th, 2008|01:26 am]
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Title: Changes
Author: exmptfromsanity
Timeline: Season 3 or 4
Condom: Ben

At first they were an introduction into a new world, Michael’s world, and they were just part of it.  They were a source of information and intimidation.

He didn’t even realize when they became his friends, the people he turned to.  But one morning there it was.  He was alone in the diner eating breakfast at the counter when Ted and Emmett came in, sat on either side of him and started up a conversation about the previous weekend at Babylon.  

Two hours later, when Michael stopped by to grab lunch the three of them were still sitting there together.

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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 14th, 2008|09:28 am]
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Title: There When Needed
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: In The Future
Warnings: death thoughts
Condom: Michael of course

He knew they were all in the room; he could hear their whispered voices.
His friends.
The people who had made him part of their lives, with doubts and hesitation at first, but then with full acceptance.
He had been there as they found love, moved away and come back.
He had watched their children grow, seen his own son marry.
He would be forever thankful for being included in their lives but more than anything when the final moment came Michael would have them, to hold him; cry with him; love him.
He couldn’t ask for more than that.
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Challenge 56: Friends [Mar. 14th, 2008|03:07 pm]
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Because Bunny said Justin needed condoms, 4 unrelated drabbles under the cut

Author: [info]jule1122
Timeline: S3, Post-series, Pre-series, Post-series
Condom: 4 to Justin

Friends )
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 14th, 2008|03:24 pm]
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Title: Visiting Friends
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: A couple of years in the future
Pairing: All
Condom: Michael (The girls don't need it)

Lindsay put the plate of food on the table, looking up as JR ran into the room, closely pursued by Michael, who scooped her onto his shoulders, grimacing as she grabbed tufts of his hair with her chubby little hands
Mel walked in, handing Lindsay a glass of wine. They turned to the sounds coming through the open windows; Ben, Ted and Em’s voices rising above all the others.
The door bell rang and Gus came flying past them to open it.
“Happy Birthday Sonnyboy!”
They smiled, happy that their friends were with them to celebrate their son’s 5th birthday.
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*Challenge #56, Friends* [Mar. 14th, 2008|04:05 pm]
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Title: The Ride Home
Notes: I really, really wanted to write for the On the Road challenge last week, but time was not on my side. SOOOO...when I was thinking about QaF friends, this came to mind and it fits both themes, so I'm claiming it for both! Too bad I can't give Brian two condoms...most everyone else is giving them to Justin!
And the condom goes to: Brian

“Shotgun!” called Emmett, skipping toward Ted’s car.

Brian’s Jeep was in the shop and Ted had agreed to take him, Justin, Michael and Emmett home after Babylon.

“No fucking way! I’m not sitting with them.” Michael gestured at Brian and Justin leaning against the trunk, grinding groins like desperate teenagers.

“Me either,” shrugged Em.

Ted, who'd already started the engine, got back out and sighed.

“Michael? Emmett? Someone get in!” he pleaded.

They all began to argue, jumping in surprise when the horn blared.

Brian sat behind the wheel. Justin, grinning from the passenger seat, waved as they drove away.
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 14th, 2008|10:16 pm]
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Title: Husband, Lover, Friend
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael

I watched Michael.
My husband; my lover; my friend.
So much packed into his compact frame
Some parts shared with everyone; some parts kept for me alone.
They were the parts on my mind.
The way he encouraged me when I was struggling with my writing.
The way he smiled when I walked in the door at night, his beautiful brown eyes shining with love.
The way he held me when dreams woke me, in the death of night, leaving me in a cold sweat.
He was so much, to so many people. But to me, he is my life.
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Challenge #56: Friends [Mar. 14th, 2008|10:54 pm]


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[mood |bouncy]

TITLE:A Night Out With Friends
FOR:[info]flamencanyc for her fandom post HERE
BETA:Many thanks and much love to [info]testdog65 and thanks to [info]not_yet_defined for letting me bounce ideas off of her. ;)

"Justin, don't you think Brian should totally sing?" Michael asked. Turning to Brian, he added, "I'll even up the ante, dedicate your song to Justin and I'll be your slave for 24 hours."

"I have slaves. What do I need you for?" Brian snarked.

Nudging me, Emmett laughed, "Kinky."

"If you sing, 'That's What Friends Are For', I'll be your slave," I teased Brian with a devious smile.

"Is that a challenge?"

I licked my lips and mouthed, "Absolutely."

"Sorry boys, it's time for a private performance," Brian said as he pulled me up and dragged me out the door.
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