Queer as Folk Drabbles - March 13th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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March 13th, 2008

Challenge # 56: Friends [Mar. 13th, 2008|07:53 am]
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[mood |hungry]

Title: That’s What Friends are For
Timeline: post-513 with mentions of pre-s1
Condom: Justin

There were times when Brian… lov—lik—tolerated his friends.

Like that time when they made an impromptu trip to New York to find a certain twink, or that time when Brian discovered that they all sucked at poker but it didn’t matter because he won $200 off of them, or even that one time where they drunkenly ate Debbie’s uncooked macaroni necklaces.

Sometimes, Brian liked them.

“Wow,” Brian said sardonically, opening another box, “another thirteen-inch, eight-inch-all-around dildo. What is this, the fifth one?”

“Seventh,” Michael answered smugly.

“Happy 40th,” Ted replied.

But most of the time, Brian hated them.
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 13th, 2008|10:51 am]
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Title: Waiting
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Post season 5
Pairing: Em/Ted
Condom: Ted

Ted watched Emmett sitting in the corner of Woody’s. He was eying guys as they walked past but the interest wasn’t there. He knew why.
Since his short sojourn with Calvin had ended he didn’t have the heart to look for anyone else. He had said nothing but Ted knew him well enough to know who was on his mind. He had admired him for sending Drew away but knew he was still waiting for that moment when he walked back into his life. He just wished it would happen soon; he hated to see his light not burning brightly.
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 13th, 2008|01:35 pm]
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Title: Forever Friends
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael

Ben watched Brian and Michael dancing. He’d reluctantly let Michael talk him into a night at Babylon; as if he could ever refuse him anything; even though he should be grading papers.

Michael was moving in time with the music, his arms on Brian’s shoulders, his cute little ass turned in his direction, much to his delight.

Brian lent in, whispering something to Michael. Michael turned, his eyes meeting Ben’s, the love visible even from this distance.

He would be forever grateful to Brian, knowing that one day Michael would need his love, friendship and support more than ever before.
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 13th, 2008|02:31 pm]
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Title: Being There
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: 20 years in the future
Warnings: Death Reference
Condom: Michael

Brian answered the phone, listened and hung up.
The red-eye landed and he dragged his sleep deprived body out of the terminal.
The hospital was in darkness as he made his way down the corridor.
He opened the door quietly to find Michael asleep, his head resting on Ben’s chest.
He knew Ben wasn’t sleeping.
He walked softly across the room, placing his hand on Michael’s shoulder.
Michael stirred, his tear-stained eyes, when they met his were dead and vacant, causing a shiver to run through his body.
“I’m here Mikey, it will be ok”
“It will never be ok”
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 13th, 2008|06:25 pm]
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Title: Friendship
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Present,Future,Past
A/N: A really different one and am not sure I pulled it off
Condom: Michael


Is it what Brian and Michael have had since childhood; as they shared secrets in a quiet room knowing, even at that age, that it would last forever.

Is it what Emmett and Ted have been through; good times and bad, once lovers but no matter what; always friends.

Is it what Justin and Daphne will look back on as the years pass and they remember those fun filled times; first loves and heartbreak.

It encompasses all this, but more than anything, it is what will bind them together for life and draw husbands and partners into their world.
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 13th, 2008|07:51 pm]
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Title: Wary Respect
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Episode 510
Condom: Michael

Ben and Brian sat on opposite sides of the room waiting. He cast glances in his direction every now and then, and although they were not returned he could feel Brian’s eyes watching him from beneath half closed eyes.
They may never share a close friendship or seek out each other’s company but they both loved Michael.
He would kill for his beloved husband and although Brian may not get his own hands dirty, he believed he would too. They had a wary respect for each other. At this moment they both wanted the same thing. For Michael to live.
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 13th, 2008|11:36 pm]
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Title: The Show
Timeline: a few years post S5
Condom: Justin

Justin scanned  the room , so full but he was looking for certain people. Finally his eyes locked in the corner.

There they were, Deb - unmissable as usual. Michael, hand in hand with Ben. Ted, Emmett, Daphne. Even Lindsay and Mel had made it. He couldn’t see him yet, though.

Suddenly, there he was. As Brian strode toward him Justin gave him a huge grin. He ran into his arms, surrounded by his embrace. Brian led hm over to the corner where the gang stood. He was so pleased that they were all here at his first big show. His friends.
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Challenge #56 - Friends [Mar. 13th, 2008|11:47 pm]
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Title: Realization
Timeline: a few months post S5
Condom: Mel

Thursday evening:

Lindsay hung up the phone beaming with delight.

“So it’s all sorted then?”

“Yes, they’ll be here by five”

“I suppose we better get the spare rooms ready then,” Mel said grumpily.

Lindsay looked at her wife with a slight grin on her face.


“You know you’re looking forward to it really”

“Hmph, a house full of people to feed and look after for the weekend, sure - my idea of heaven”

 Friday evening:

Mel was surrounded, everyone chatting. She looked at each of their faces and felt a rush of happiness. She really had missed their friends.
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