Queer as Folk Drabbles - March 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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March 9th, 2008

Challenge #55 - On The Road [Mar. 9th, 2008|12:23 am]
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Title: Visiting
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: About a year after season 5
Condom: Michael

Ben squeezed Michael’s hand.
“You ok Michael?”
“We’ll be home soon.”
“The week went so fast!”
“I know!”
“I miss her!”
“I know you do baby!”
“Everytime I see her, she’s grown so much.” Michael sighed. “I worry she’ll forget who I am.”
“That won’t happen Michael.”
“I hope not!”
“What was the first thing she said when she saw you?”
“Daddy!” Michael smiled. “I just wish we could see her more often.”
“How about I organize to have Friday off once a month so we can go for a long weekend.”
“Thank you!”
“I love you.”
“I know.”
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Challenge #55 - On The Road [Mar. 9th, 2008|01:47 pm]
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Title: Final Step
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Episode 506
Condom: Michael

Hunter handed Ben his house key, the skeleton head hanging from it knocking his hand.
He hesitated; the sadness in Ben’s eyes almost his undoing.
He drew his hand away and turned towards the door.
Michael’s voice stopped him in his tracks; his eyes narrowing as he watched him pull a bundle of bills from his wallet; the bare pain exuding from his eyes caused a flicker of panic but he grabbed it and then took that final step.
He walked down the street, his future uncertain. He had just made one of the hardest decisions of his short life.
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Challenge #55 - On the road [Mar. 9th, 2008|04:00 pm]
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Title: The Road Ahead
Author: [info]gmta_nz
Timeline: end of 513
Pairing: Mel/Lindsay
Condom: Justin

The Road Ahead )
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Challenge #55 - On The Road [Mar. 9th, 2008|04:41 pm]
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Title: Final Step (Part Two)
Timeline: Episode 506
A/N: Part two of Final Step (I'm not sure if I will carry it on or not at this stage)
Condom: Michael

He walked through the streets, carrying his duffle-bag, filled with treasured possessions; a photo of his fathers, carefully removed from its frame; a book Ben has given him; a copy of the first edition of RAGE. A small laugh escaped him when he realized they were connected with his fathers, not himself.
A car slowed; his step faltered, but he bent his head and kept walking.
He had promised them he wouldn’t hitch. He’d turned his back on their love, but somehow he knew that wouldn’t stop them loving him. With that thought he continued to trudge through the darkness
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Challenge #55 On The Road [Mar. 9th, 2008|08:23 pm]
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Title: Runaway
Author: Brianswalk
Word Count: 100
Time Frame: Ten years post 513
A/N: Ummm...
Condom: Brian


He stood at the end of Britin’s driveway, backpack dangling from nerveless fingers.  Through the entire journey he was confident of his welcome.  Now he wasn’t so sure.  Trains, buses, hitchhiking when his cash ran out; he was going to be in deep shit when that info became public knowledge.
But he couldn’t stay there any longer, feeling lost and left out.  He’d always considered Pittsburgh his home.  He angrily wiped a tear from his cheek.  Christ, he was turning into a dyke.  The front door opening startled him.  Two sets of anxious hazel eyes locked across the asphalt.
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