Queer as Folk Drabbles - February 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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February 1st, 2008

Challenge #50 - Sue yourself [Feb. 1st, 2008|02:30 pm]
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Title: Not Exactly
Author: [info]galeharold
Timeline: Season 2 before the drama.
A/N: I used to work in a Pet store and this dude came in examining dog toys, while his wife needed something for her daughter's hamster. I actually thought the guy reminded me of Brian. And the dog toys we had always made people look at them in a different way... so here's a lil story. HAHAHA.
Condom: Brian

"Why are we here again?" Brian groaned as he picked up a dog toy that didn't exactly look like a dog toy, but something else to his eyes. He raised an eyebrow as he examined it.

"I promised Molly, I'd buy a gift for her hamster."

"Oh yeah... how pathetic."

"Shut up."

The lady at the counter looked to the cute but different couple, over hearing about a gift for a hamster so she quickly walked to the right isle and came back handing the younger boy a block of colored wood, "The hamster will love it."

Taking it without any questions, Justin nodded and looked over to Brian who was now examing another dog toy. He looked to the lady behind the counter, with a slight chuckle, "He doesn't even have a dog."
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Challenge #50 -sue you [Feb. 1st, 2008|03:37 pm]
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Title: Surprise
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
A/N: I can't (and won't) Mary-Sue myself as I am currently unemployed so did my daughter instead, hope that qualifies
Condom: Michael

Ben strode into the supermarket, glancing at his watch, realizing he was cutting it close. Five minutes before closing time.
He found the bakery and rang the bell, and smiled at the young girl who appeared
“Can I help you Sir?
“Yes. I ordered a birthday cake. The name is Bruckner”
”One moment please. I will get it for you”
”Thank you.”
She disappeared returning minutes later
“Here you are Sir”
She opened the box carefully
“ Spiderman cake. I hope it’s what you wanted?”
“Perfect, thank you!”
“I’m sure your son will love it”
“Actually, it’s for my husband!”
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Challenge #50 - Sue yourself [Feb. 1st, 2008|05:37 pm]
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Title: Teasing
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
A/N: Using my daughter as my sue-you again!
Condom: Michael

Ben walked into the living room.
“I’m going to the supermarket”
“I’ll come with you!”
Hunter jumped up grabbing his coat
Ben looked at Michael then back at Hunter
“Since when did you like grocery shopping?”
“Since he saw that new girl who works in the bakery!” Michael winked at Ben
Hunter glared at Michael
“Shut up!”
“Really!” Ben grinned at his son “Which one?”
“The one with the blonde……” Hunter stopped blushing furiously “That’s not fair!”
“Have you talked to her yet!”
“Duh! Why would I do that!”
“Cause I saw her checking you out as well!” Michael laughed.
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Challenge #50 : Sue-You [Feb. 1st, 2008|06:59 pm]


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Title: The Joys of Shopping
Author: Vamphile
Condom(s): None

The Joys of Shopping

"Buying clothes online? I thought I raised you better than that."

"I need shirts and unlike you, have no interest in spending three to seven hours procuring them."

"That's not all I get when I go shopping." Brian kissed Justin's neck… "Come shopping with me."

Justin sighed. "If I had given any real thought to how many things require a blowjob I may never have agreed to the raw thing."

Brian pulled Justin from his chair "bullshit."

Justin smiled. "Okay, let's go… I need shirts, and a blowjob."

Brian nodded heading out the door then turned and stopped, "wait, what?"
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