Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Cheddar Cheese Soup with Irish Soda Bread

I made this today for the first time and it was amazing. The perfect meal for a cold winter day :) Both recipes came from a cookbook called College Vegetarian Cooking by Megan and Jill Carle. The book even had both recipes on the same page because they go great together. The only change I made was adding a dash or two of onion powder to the soup. Otherwise I just followed the directions and both the soup and bread came out perfectly! The bread serves about 6 people and the soup served 3 hungry people today. I think it could easily be doubled to feed a family.

Cheddar Cheese Soup with Irish Soda Bread )
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Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

*macaroni and cheese*

My darling daughter Clover has been really sick for most of the week with the flu. Missing school for her is a major crisis, one that involves much angst and knashing of teeth and worry, worry, worry about a GPA that might drop a couple hundreths of a point. And I'm NOT exaggerating.

So, BK had a board meeting today and then had to go out to eat with a new BOD member, so he was in town for the evening. I wanted to do something to comfort Clover and get her to relax for a bit before she tackled the books tonight, so I made her mac and cheese. She *LOVES* it and this recipe is SO EASY to make and it makes me happy to make it for her.

macaroni and cheese, easy style )
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