QaF Crack!Fic - May 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
QaF Crack!Fic

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May 23rd, 2008

Rosemary's Ba-- er, I mean: Demons Within [May. 23rd, 2008|11:30 pm]
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I've only read one page so far, but I thought about you girls the moment I clicked the author's nick.

So, basically Brian is the Satan's spawn (I think Justin is too, or maybe he's just goth/evil, but I'm not sure), priests talk in broken Latin, Joan is scared and that's what I know just from reading first page and scanning the text superficially.

Please let me know if it gets better than that, I don't feel brave enough to find out on my own.

The fic in question is:

Demons Within by toploft69

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