QaF Crack!Fic - December 30th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
QaF Crack!Fic

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December 30th, 2007

Anyone braving this fic over on LJ's bjfic comm? [Dec. 30th, 2007|01:35 pm]


From the summary alone we have Brian+Craig!friendship and fat!in love with Dad's friend!who is now my boss!Justin. oy.

Summary: Justin is an only-child and is really selfcentered. His parents see only one solution to change their son, he has to work. So Craig asks and old friend for help and Justin starts at Kinnetik. But what happens when Justin falls in love with his boss? Oh, did I mention Justin has one problem??? Brian Kinney isn't into overweighted guys... and Justin ate a few chocolate-bars too much. This story is once again betaed by the wonderful carbon69

ETA: Figured out how to edit. yay! Here're the links to the fic:
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