QaF Crack!Fic - August 28th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
QaF Crack!Fic

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August 28th, 2007

OH THE SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!! [Aug. 28th, 2007|10:50 pm]


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Once upon a time I had never read any crack!fic. Then I read Julia's "I Dream of Justin" and I couldn't get enough of tiny little naked Justin in a bottle with Brian gazing in with a magnifying glass and Justin clutching Brian's shirt that he'd taken into the bottle with him and crying and you know, I was just completely doomed and corrupted.

And so one day I was emailing bunny and vamph about how I hate most use of HIV in fan fic and especially when they have it be Justin, and whine whine whine rant rant rant and I said I mean, the only possible way it could work is an AU, only then could it be remotely believable and then bunny and vamph looked metaphorically at each other and said, "Well."

And I said, "What?"

And bunny sent me Frozen Sunshine by Thyme and it had brave!Justin and asshole!Brian getting his cold heart melted and insanely!jealous!OOC!Mikey and brotherly!concerned!Ben and mom!Debbie and really, I have read it at least 42 times.

*sobs for poor brave Justin who no one has ever loved before*

You must go read it and tell me every single thing you love about this fic because it's just so full of CRACK THE LOVE!
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