QaF Fic DVD Commentary - August 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
QaF Fic DVD Commentary

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August 24th, 2008

Sign-Ups and Suggestions. [Aug. 24th, 2008|01:24 pm]


Okay, so it looks like I will go ahead and get this asylum off the ground!

If you're a writer who is interested in taking part, please leave a comment.

If you're a reader and have suggestions for fics you'd like to see "commentaried", please also leave a comment.

As far as posts go, what would you like to see? I can organise a schedule, such as one fic per month, which gives writers a deadline to work towards. Or should it just be open to postings as often as writers feel the urge?

Any other thoughts?

ETA: I hope writers out there aren't discouraged from taking part because they think their fic mght not be "important enough".

The fic doesn't have to be particularly long or particularly well-known - a fandom classic, so to speak. But of course those would be wonderful.

The idea is just to see how the writing process differs from person to person, and to shed some light on the fic. See if the way you see things is the same way the writer intended, etc. Please don't be intimidated!
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