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Some random thoughts about Britin [Feb. 11th, 2011|02:48 am]
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I have been thinking (always a dangerous sign)...

I mean, for once it's clear that Brian likes it big: big loft, big cock, big gestures. So I never really asked myself why Brian buys a house like Britin for only two people. He also loves a lot of space and luxury.

But today for the first time I thought that maybe he didn't just makes an over-the-top gesture. Justin did ask for a home and a family, didn't he? So maybe at that point where Brian was ready or willing to give him everything to make him happy no matter what, he also thought about the fact that Justin might want to have kids or foster kids. Sure, he wanted to have room for Gus and the lesbians when they come to visit, but as far as canon goes, he doesn't even know they are moving when he buys the house, or does he?

As much as I like some of the fic about Brian and Justin raising a family together or at least living together with Gus, I always found it very unlikely to happen, even if the marriage hadn't been called off. What do you think? Does buying a country manor like that imply that Brian would have agreed to a family, too? Or does it mean nothing at all apart from the fact that he's a size queen?

Apart from that, there's a lot of fanon about how big it is, like 7 bedrooms or whatever. Is there anything canon about this? And if it isn't what can we see from the few pictures we have from Britin? How big is it, really?
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